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TRUMP Don't Care about WELFARE
 Care about WARFARE​

TRUMP Don't Care about HEALTH CARE

TRUMP Don't Care about CHILD CARE
 Care about ELDERLY CARE
 Care about CLIMATE CARE


 Care about FAMILY AFFAIRs




 Care about LEGAL AFFAIRs


The Trump Files


Donald J. Trump ✔@realDonaldTrump

We should be focusing on beautiful, clean air & not on wasteful & very expensive GLOBAL WARMING bullshit! China & others are hurting our air      

12:07 AM - 15 Dec 2013

Just like Jonathan Gruber viciously lied & called Americans “stupid” on ObamaCare, many consultants are doing the same on Global Warming.  

5:30 AM - 18 Nov 2014

North Korea is looking for trouble. If China decides to help, that would be great. If not, we will solve the problem without them! U.S.A.    

2:03 AM - 11 Apr 2017


The President {Obama} must get Congressional approval before attacking Syria-big mistake if he does not!

1:02 PM - 30 Aug 2013

‘People don’t realize, you know, the Civil War, if you think about it, why? People don’t ask that question, but why was there the Civil War? Why could that one not have been worked out?’

President Andrew Jackson, who died 16 years before the Civil War started, saw it coming and was angry. Would never have let it happen!

2:55 PM - 1 May 2017

Of course the Australians have better healthcare than we do --everybody does. ObamaCare is dead! But our healthcare will soon be great.  

9:13 AM - 5 May 2017

That's right, we need a TRAVEL BAN for certain DANGEROUS countries, not some politically correct term that won't help us protect our people!

3:20 PM - 5 Jun 2017


People, the lawyers and the courts can call it whatever they want, but I am calling it what we need and what it is, a TRAVEL BAN!    

12:25 AM - 5 Jun 2017

​We must build a wall to secure our border. It will save lives and help Make America Great Again!  12:44 PM - 27 Jul 2015

We have a MASSIVE trade deficit with Germany, plus they pay FAR LESS than they should on NATO & military. Very bad for U.S. This will change  

3:40 AM - 30 May 2017

At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is "no reason to be alarmed!"    

1:31 AM - 4 Jun 2017

“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,”I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

Merkel Says Immigration Better Solved by Opportunity, Not Walls 


(Bloomberg) -- Eric Martin, Nacha Cattan and Anna Edgerton  6/10/17


German Chancellor Angela Merkel took a shot at President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall, telling an audience in Mexico that a physical barrier won’t resolve any country’s immigration issues.

“We must fight against the causes that lead people to abandon their homes,” Merkel said at a Saturday business event at Mexico City’s Interactive Museum of Economics. “And constructing walls isn’t going to help.”


Merkel compared Northern Africans trying to reach Europe with the influx of Central Americans that cross into Mexico from the south, with some continuing north to the U.S. She said that these migrants, many of them young, are often fleeing violence and seeking greater economic opportunity.

The statements and actions of the Trump administration have been a subtext of Merkel’s visit. She and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto affirmed their support for the Paris climate agreement after Trump’s decision to withdraw earlier this month. They also reiterated their commitment to free trade, even as Trump has complained about the trade deficit the U.S. has with both countries, especially in regard to auto manufacturing.

“In today’s world, marked by uncertainty, countries should work hand in hand,” Pena Nieto said, promising to protect foreign investments during the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement, which includes Canada.

Merkel, who faces re-election this year, has been on a tour to rally support among Group of 20 nations ahead of a July 7-8 summit in Hamburg. Her Latin America trip included a visit to Argentina before she headed to Mexico.


At a joint appearance Friday, Merkel and Pena Nieto reiterated their goal for updating the EU-Mexico free-trade agreement, which went into effect in 2000, by the end of this year. Mexico is looking to diversify its trade to make itself less dependent on the U.S. amid Trump’s criticism of Nafta.

Echoing the kind of trade negotiation that Pena Nieto’s government says it wants in negotiating with the U.S. to modernize the decades-old pact, Merkel said the revised Mexico-EU deal can be “a classical situation where everyone wins.”

Merkel said she sees Nafta talks, set to begin as soon as mid August, as a positive and a process that German companies are watching closely.

In response to reporters’ questions, Merkel said she’s concerned both about Venezuela and the situation with Qatar. A group of Gulf nations led by Saudi Arabia severed diplomatic ties as well as land, sea and air travel with Qatar on June 5, accusing the country of supporting Sunni extremist groups and Iranian-backed Shiite militants to destabilize the region. Qatar has denied it backs terrorists and accuses the Saudis of seeking to dominate their smaller neighbors.

Merkel also said she’s ready to defend the interests of EU members in Brexit negotiations and doesn’t see any reason for the process to be delayed by the results of the U.K.’s election.

“We will try to defend the interests of our 27 members states, and Great Britain will defend its own interests,” Merkel said Friday. “At this moment I don’t see any obstacle for us carrying out the negotiations as they have been planned,” she later added.

U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May’s stunning electoral setback with a hung parliament on Thursday left her Brexit strategy in shambles less than two weeks before the start of talks. Both the ruling Conservative Party and the opposition Labour Party fell short of an overall majority, setting leadership adrift.

The EU and U.K. were already racing against the clock with an agreement needed by the end of 2018 so that their parliaments can rubber-stamp it. The two sides are also at odds over multiple matters ranging from how the talks will be structured to whether the U.K. should pay an exit fee, and there’s the issue of finding common ground on a complicated trade accord.

Donald J. Trump 

That's right, we need a TRAVEL BAN for certain DANGEROUS countries, not some politically correct term that won't help us protect our people!

3:20 PM - 5 Jun 2017

Trump’s Revised Travel Ban Blocked by Federal Appeals Court





A trio of federal appellate judges in San Francisco on Monday ruled against President Donald Trump's second try at imposing a so-called "travel ban" that would restrict refugees and people from six predominantly Muslim countries from entering the U.S.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals panel unanimously upheld an earlier decision by a federal judge in Hawaii to block the government from enforcing Trump's executive order.

"The Immigration and Nationality Act ("INA") gives the President broad powers to control the entry of aliens, and to take actions to protect the American public," the judges wrote in their opinion. "But immigration, even for the President, is not a one-person show. The President's authority is subject to certain statutory and constitutional restraints."

Trump, the judges wrote, "exceeded the scope of the authority delegated to him by Congress" and they disputed his claim that there weren't adequate safeguards in place to keep terrorists out.

"There is no finding that present vetting standards are inadequate, and no finding that absent the improved vetting procedures there likely will be harm to our national interests," the judges wrote. "These identified reasons do not support the conclusion that the entry of nationals from the six designated countries would be harmful to our national interests."

In their opinion, the judges also cited Trump's Tweets in which he declared "we need a TRAVEL BAN for certain DANGEROUS countries" and a declaration by White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer that Trump's tweets are "considered official statements" by the President of the United States.

Trump as said the orders are necessary to protect Americans from terrorism and campaigned on a pledge to institute "extreme vetting" of foreigners seeking to enter the country. But administration officials avoided calling the travel restriction a "ban" after critics claimed it was akin to a "Muslim ban."

Spicer strongly defended the Trump's executive orders in his daily briefing on Monday and said the administration was reviewing the opinion as it weighed its next steps.

"We continue to be confident that the president’s executive order to protect this country is fully lawful and ultimately will be upheld by the Supreme Court,” he said. "Frankly I think any lawyer worth their salt 100 percent agrees that the president is fully within his rights and his responsibility to do what is necessary to protect the country."

But Spicer declined to address a question about whether Trump's Twitter postings helped torpedo his executive orders.

"I think we can all attest that these are very dangerous times and we need every tool at our disposal to prevent terrorists from committing acts of bloodshed and violence,” Spicer said.

U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson, who was appointed by former President Barack Obama, issued a temporary restraining order on March 15 that blocked Trump’s revised executive order, which the president issued after a federal judge in Washington state blocked his first order and after an appeals court refused to reinstate it.

The new order lowered the named nations from seven to six by dropping Iraq from the list — and, among other changes, it specified that it does not explicitly apply to current lawful permanent residents and green card holders. The second order also imposed a 90 day ban on travel from Iran, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen.

Both orders also would have put on hold admissions to the U.S. of refugees for 120 days. The first order indefinitely suspended admission of Syrian refugees, but that was dropped in the revised order.

The opinion upholding Watson's freeze was authored by judges Michael Daly Hawkins, Ronald Gould and Richard Paez, all of whom were appointed by President Bill Clinton. 

Six resign from presidential HIV/AIDS council because Trump 'doesn't care'

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© Provided by The Hill Six resign from presidential HIV/AIDS council because Trump 'doesn't care' .

Six members of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS have angrily resigned, saying that President Trump doesn't care about HIV.

The group said that the administration "has no strategy" to address HIV/AIDS, doesn't consult experts when working on policy and "pushes legislation that will harm people living with HIV and halt or reverse important gains made in the fight against this disease."

"As advocates for people living with HIV, we have dedicated our lives to combating this disease and no longer feel we can do so effectively within the confines of an advisory body to a president who simply does not care," they wrote.

The group noted that Trump took down the Office of National AIDS Policy website when he took office and hasn't appointed anyone to lead the White House Office of National AIDS Policy.

They also said that the GOP's ObamaCare repeal bill will dramatically hurt those with HIV/AIDS, making it the "final straw for us - more like a two-by-four than a straw" in deciding to leave the council.

"We will be more effective from the outside, advocating for change and protesting policies that will hurt the health of the communities we serve and the country as a whole if this administration continues down the current path," they wrote.

"We hope the members of Congress who have the power to affect healthcare reform will engage with us and other advocates in a way that the Trump Administration apparently will not."

Trump: ‘I just don’t want a poor person’ in top economic roles




The Hill
Rebecca Savransky 6/22/2017


President Trump late Wednesday said he'd prefer not to have a "poor person" in top economic positions in his administration.

"Somebody said, 'Why did you appoint a rich person to be in charge of the economy?' No it's true. And Wilbur's a very rich person in charge of commerce," Trump said during a rally in Iowa, referring to Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross."I said, 'Because that's the kind of thinking we want...
because they're representing the country. They don't want the money.'"

Trump said these people had to "give up a lot" to take jobs in his administration. He added that they "are great brilliant business minds."

"And that's what we need. That's what we have to have so the world doesn't take advantage," Trump added.

"We can't have the world taking advantage of us anymore. And I love all people, rich or poor, but 
in those particular positions, I just don't want a poor person. Does that make sense?"

Trump added that if his supporters "insist" he change his thinking, he would.

I like it better this way," he said.

During the rally Wednesday evening, Trump also slammed the Democrats for their recent losses in congressional special elections this year and the media for not predicting Republican victories.

The administration is saying recent votes are proof that Americans approve of Trump's agenda.

The One and Only; Racist, Classist, Capitalistic, Sexist Trump  

Your concept of wealth does not come from work ethics but it has been handed to you on a silver platter.    

Let's dissect these awe so divisive inspiring words:


...'are great brilliant business minds.' ~ Most businessmen used their intellect, skills and drive to work hard for their wealth and can give back, if they choose, based on the motto 'Remember where you came from'!  Where did you come from? I guess your parental love was bought; not given.

'...because they're representing the country.  They don't want the money."  ~  

Soo, Trump believes that RICH people should represent the country because they don't want the money but are just greedy for power like you.  AND who spent $10 million dollars the first month in office, for 3 trips to golf at your estates. (Mar-a-Lago) These same poor peoples' taxes and public service cuts (ex: school lunches) is paying for your greedy, luxurious leisure trips.  The rich stay wealthy off the poor folks backs (Capitalism).

'...that's what we need the world doesn't take advantage' ~ Wealth and riches just gives you more power to believe you are a KING, buuuttt it don't make you a better leader if your IQ keeps you from being wise.  Be HUMBLE!  You're taking advantage of America's middle and lower class hard earned money. 

'... in those particular positions, I just don't want a poor person.' ~ What happened to great credentials and a resume',  What is that about? Status quo and no skills; but a bunch of privileged, unqualified, ignorant folks running the white house.  So you need a Credit check that says Rich, versus equal opportunity, to be apart of the Trump Administration.  But Trump, you avoided a background check to reveal you taxes and a pre-employment assessment to test your cognitive aptitude (measure critical thinking/ problem solving/ ability to learn), your personality (assess behavioral patterns and traits), and your skills (measure basic competencies).

'...I like it better this way," ~ You think you are better than the less fortunate; you are cut from a different material, cashmere and not polyester.

Shareen M Dukes


Congressional Black Caucus: Trump and His Administration Don’t Care About Black People

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Congressional Black Caucus Chair Cedric L. Richmond, D-La. (Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images)




Monique Judge  Wednesday 9:54pm

Rep. Cedric L. Richmond, Democrat from New Orleans and chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, wrote a three-page letter Wednesday to Donald Trump declining his invitation to the CBC to meet with him, and outlining the many reasons the group as a whole is saying no.

In a letter dated June 21 (pdf), Richmond opened by acknowledging the president’s recent request to meet with the CBC:

In written communication dating back to January 2017, we have shared the priorities of the Caucus as they relate to the Black community. We are serious about the work of advancing the interests of our people and the goals of the CBC. As a result, we took advantage of every opportunity to educate you on the needs of the Black community and provide you with the information and solutions necessary to act on them in good faith. Through an objective assessment, we have seen no evidence that your Administration acted on our calls for action, and we have in fact witnessed steps that will affirmatively hurt Black communities. While we agreed to explore possible future discussions when we first met, it has become abundantly clear that a conversation with the entire CBC would not be entirely productive, given the actions taken by your Administration since our first meeting. While you can solicit the engagement of individual members of our caucus, the CBC as a caucus declines your invitation to meet at this time.

Richmond noted that in March, the CBC presented Trump with a 130-page policy document in order to educate him and his administration on the difficult history of black people in the United States, the history of the CBC and solutions that could help advance black families in the 21st century. The Trump administration has both failed to respond to the policies the CBC outlined and neglected to follow through on its pledge to facilitate meetings between the CBC and relevant Cabinet officials, Richmond said.

In other words, 
Trump and his administration have only paid lip service to addressing the needs of black people in the U.S. and never intended to follow through on any of the empty promises that have been made thus far.

In fact, as Richmond outlined, the 
administration has acted in opposition to the policy initiatives the caucus has supported, proposing budget cuts to programs that serve low- and moderate-income people, including a $4 billion cut to Pell Grants, which help low-income students pay for college; and the complete elimination of the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, “which helps seniors and other helpless populations heat their homes in the winter and cool them in the summer.”

In the letter, Richmond added:

Moreover, your administration has taken actions that cause legitimate alarm among members of this caucus and the millions of Americans we represent. In a two-page document, your Attorney General issued guidance to federal prosecutors to accelerate the failed war on drugs that will continue to wreck the Black community and exacerbate our nation’s scourge of mass incarceration. Attorney General Sessions has also explicitly stated his unwillingness to utilize consent decrees to protect the civil rights of Americans and has called for an agency-wide review of these agreements. These shortsighted decisions represent willful ignorance by relying on ideology instead of data and compassion. Every dollar we spend on incarceration renders our communities less safe.

In other words, we see your boy implementing and creating policies that specifically and disproportionately target the black community at large, and this is not a game, Mr. President.

In addition, Richmond continued, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has caused a number of HBCUs to lose critical funding through the “TRiO” programs (a reference to a number of federal programs intended to help economically disadvantaged students) (pdf), she has refused to protect children from being discriminated against, and she terminated an Obama administration program focused on improving school diversity and student achievement in the lowest-performing schools across the country.

Of course, these atrocities pale in comparison with the 
decimation of our nation’s health care system. Richmond noted that black people make up 13.3 percent of the U.S. population but 19 percent of Medicaid enrollees, and would therefore be dealt a painful blow by “mean[-spirited]” legislation proposed under the Trump administration.

Richmond went on to outline eight times the CBC has sent written letters to Trump himself and members of his administration, letters that have thus far gone unanswered, because clearly neither the president nor anyone who works for him truly cares about black people.

Richmond concluded, “Given the lack of response to any of the main concerns we have raised with you and your Administration, we decline your invitation for all 49 members of the Congressional Black Caucus to meet with you. The CBC, and the millions of people we represent, have a lot to lose under your Administration. I fail to see how a social gathering would benefit the policies we advocate for. The CBC will always be willing to engage in discussion and debate about policies and programs that will make America a more perfect union for all.”

In other words, 
fuck your photo ops and bullshit promises.

Cedric Richmond had the words and the tact to say what we are all thinking in a much nicer way than the president deserves, but he was also direct, pointed and full of facts, and 
called Trump out for being full of shit.

We, “the blacks,” are tired of the empty promises of the American dream and the “more perfect union.” We need results that benefit us as much as they benefit those who hold privilege over us.

Enough is enough.

Either shit or get off the pot, Donald Trump.

Le' Andre' J Dukes

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