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Everybody uses tomorrow
We will have to do it tomorrow
Wait until tomorrow
Let's do it tomorrow
I think my judgement will be better tomorrow
We will do your homework tomorrow
I get paid tomorrow
I will pay that bill tomorrow
Tomorrow will be a good day
Annie's broadway play:
Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I love you Tomorrow, your always a day awaaaay.
It's mind slavery; What about today?
Let's do this shit today; What about today?
Tomorrow may Never Come!!
America; Donald Trump was elected for office through cheating and that is a fact. His presidency was forced upon the voters who did not vote for him, there were scandals with woman and prostitution prior to his election, there were sex assaults that were proven before his election, but white America still opened the front door. America, how could you go from scandal free to scandalous; from hope and change to Make America great Again? America was never great, we are a country of many mistakes. America's history is violent; America's history is about Division and Dominance of the white race to kill at will. This country was never built on Love and compassion; it was stolen from the Native Indians and it's in our DNA to kill, not to love; that is America's history. There mission was a hostile takeover and invasion and America was built on the back of slaves taken from Africa. Our lives were a sacrifice for this land. Violence, there is so much bloodshed, you dare not even scratch the surface. Bloodshed outways the growth of life tremendously. You can't envision what America is and it has done nothing for black slaves, not even a sorry for torturing the black race or even an acknowledgment of the past. Imagine waking up everyday wondering if it were your last, and yet, we are a resilient people, humming our spiritual hymnals for strength as we are beaten and scorned. If America doesn't apologize, we will continue to have more Donald Trumps' lining up to rape America of its hopes and promises of a better America, a better tomorrow and a better direction forward for humanity. It was not in Barack Obama's plan to move backwards after his presidency. It was over that quick, the ugly part of America does not want a better America, that ugly America does not want change but that ugly seed knew it would win in the ballot box or through the virtual voting. It knew in order for that old nasty America to come back it would have to cheat to win and it did.
It erased all the Hope and change, for the mark of the beast, plain old evil, came knocking at the door, it had a suit and a smile from ear to ear. He has a TV show, the track record of a billionaire, a name known internationally. She was mesmerized by his method of money making, a go getter, he's never been to jail for any crimes; why not date a billionaire? We can all benefit from his accomplishments, he spoke like a winner. It's been hell ever since you opened the front door. Hell has rained over America, the clouds have darkened, glaciers are melting, storms are lasting longer than ever, winter is now summer and summer is now winter, volcanoes are erupting, beautiful Puerto Rico is dying. Lie after Lie after Lie; Trump promotes violence. He insists it's ok to hit, lie, cheat, and to live unAmerican; No rules at all... It's ok to live above the law, 45 says; Make America great Again? America has a history of being a disciplinarian country in parenting, in obeying the law, in strict rules and regulation in the workplace and in traffic laws. We have built this country on everyday laws and moral conduct and people have served life in prison over breaking laws, served 2 years in county jail for breaking laws; so why in the hell is this president above the law! He has kids locked up in cages; America has a set a new Precedent. Presidents you are now allowed to break all laws with no consequences; Is this the new standard? Now any president can say well... Trump did it! We need to keep what's left of Americas integrity, whatever is left. No one should stay with the abuser, this is not till death do us part. No! he is not our president by choice. Don't let him abuse another child in a cage that's causing mental illness due to separation from their parents, in America! We have not used that word Impeach yet against Trump; we are saying it now; IMPEACH!

Le' Andr'e Dukes 4/20/19 Nfaith Under 1 Nation
Former Vice President To Barack Obama

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