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American Freak  Show  The

Greatest Show   In

The World

Lady Artwork Used From American Horror Show

America preaches violence, breeds violence; 45 leads the nation with rhetoric that spews hatred and division.  Lost souls now have a father to carry out evil like mass shootings; brainwashed to not know what to feel or not know what's real through their depression and loneliness but commissioned to kill others .  He is the fearmongering ring leader and his audience are "sitting in the seat of the scornful."  Psalms 1:1 (ISV) How blessed is the person, who does not take the advice of the wicked, who does not stand on the path with sinners, and who does not sit in the seat of mockers.

You have chosen not to put her first.  Women gave birth to the world; instead of protecting her you chose to abuse her; instead of loving her, you chose to desert her, come back to her; don't lie to her, cry for her, keep it fly for her.   America, what's up boo, it will be me and you, stuck together like elmers glue.  I Salute You!

Le' Andre'  Dukes                             11/9/18
Le' Andre'  Dukes                             11/9/18

The Devil is here to Steal, Kill and Destroy and take away the God given abundant life of America. 

45 has raised these ambassadors of Fear, Violence and Hate through his Trumped Up rhetoric (language perceived to persuade and impress its audience but lacks sincerity or meaningful content) A.K.A. Bombast, Magniloquence, Turgidity, Pomposity (high-flown language with no meaning to promote


Prov. 8:13 (ESV) The fear of the Lord is to hate Evil; pride, arrogancy and the evil way; and the perverse mouth, Do I hate..

Shareen  Dukes                 11/9/18

Le' Andre' J Dukes

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