Not Just A Bill
Harriet Tubman

How many African-American; blacks, knew that Obama wanted Harriet Tubman to replace Jackson on the $20 bill to make some kind of change from old America?
How many of us care today?
I still hear the chatter that Obama didn't do for the blacks what he was supposed to do.
He is the first African American president; he is not GOD... there was only so much white America was going to let him do without resistance. He had to play the game of chess. They were watching and interrogating every move he made.
How many knew? How many knew?
We have president 45 who basically is trying to erase that there ever was an
African American President.
Trying to erase his presidency; Trying to erase his diplomacy;
Trying to erase his bureaucracy; Trying to erase his democracy;
Trying to erase his significancy; Trying to erase his legacy.
We found out he is a racist... He showed US who he really was. He revealed it and didn't shy away from his racist radical views as a white nationalist. It means the world to African American women and men; every nation of African ancestry and any nation enslaved or who fought against slavery worldwide. We are not just a nation of color! U.S. makes up a land of many nations and nationalities and most of these Americans were descendants of some form of slavery but DNA tells us that they are descendants of African blood as well.
So for Harriet Tubman a slave and for all her bravery, leadership, persecution, bondage, and sacrifice; her legacy, It is TIME and Obama knew it was TIME! And just as there is Obama, there is Harriet Tubman and they are products of Moses who led their people to the promised land.
Through the wilderness; through the doubt; through the complaints; through the suffering.
We have been held down for so long and have been denied access to so many things in America and for Obama to be President; why would he have to ask, this should've been his decision to introduce this heroic lady and memorialize her and for the world to recognize her struggles, paving the way and fighting through it.
Freedom wasn't FREE and at that time Freedom wasn't given,
Freedom had to be taken and America now has to respect FREEDOM!!
America should pay homage for what has been done to African American people; and this is a start by placing Mrs. Tubman, her face on a $20 bill. We can't move forward as a country if we are the protectors of racism, bigotry, social injustice, and hatred.
Memorial Day??? Civil War (April 1861) - Remember!!
America fighting America
Those for Slavery - Those against Slavery
Confederates against Unionists (Abolitionists)
South against North
Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Native Indians,
Blacks and other ethnic Abolitionists;
America divided and fighting each other;
What kind of nation are we NOW?
TRUMP, "why was there a civil war?"
Harriet Tubman (Civil war Union nurse & spy)
Faith, Wilderness, Fear, Hope
"Let my people go...", said GOD Exodus 9:1
"So the last will be first and the first last." Matt. 20:16
Those that are oppressed and rejected will be rewarded by God
Judgment Day Revelation (Slave ship recovered not discovered)
Nfaith Under 1 Nation 5/27/19