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facetook is America's family oriented desktop social media dream.  It connected long distance family members that were able to organize events and share photos, updates, and announcements.  America turned off the TV and started socializing through the facetook network.  We shared our baby pictures, graduation pictures, family photos, wedding pictures, and our achievements.  We set up and organized our family reunions, family vacations, and shared photos of our picnics and parties 

"We are family...All my brothers sisters and me". 

Our goodbyes from airport to airport across the nation.  we celebrated 1st birthdays, we mourned lost loved ones.  I told everyone I got a new promotion at my job and even shared with some when I got terminated.  From my kid's baptisms and organizing with church members; who's bringing cornbread and who's bringing collard greens; messages for choir rehearsals about who was calling out sick and who was a new member.  Did you know Mrs. Jackson is in the hospital for cancer treatments?  Did you know the boy, Ernest Johnson down the street got hit by a car while riding his bike in a crosswalk?  We learned all that through socializing on facetook

Hey everybody, I'm 6 weeks pregnant!  Hey everybody, I lost the baby.  I have family that's stuck in immigration camps who are trying to become citizens of the U.S.  I went to the doctor today and found out I have breast cancer.  We're going to organize awareness for breast cancer month for everyone suffering.

We generated enough money for the soccer team to fly to Utah for competition.  

Do you know I don't like that girl in my school named Sally?  She wears the same jeans 3 times a week. 

Did you know Derrick the star football player can't read? 

We're going to jump Amy after school and she will never forget it.  Take pictures!

I hate my life everyone is talking about me, I don't want to live!

Tiki torch protest rally killed Heather Heyer, Charlottesville!!

Florida Parkland school murderers social media disturbing warning posts!

Live video of Mass shooting of a 100 people (50 murdered) worshipping in New Zealand mosques!

How many people don't like Obama, please join our group?

How many people don't like gays, please join our group?

How many people who are terrorists, please join our group?

How many people who are sex traffickers, please join our group?

How many people are cheaters, please join our group?

How many people who are swingers, please join our group?

Single Ladies, here I am!  Sarah has herpes.

KKK & white nationalists here we are, join our group.

I'm running for Senator for my state, please donate!

I'm running for President of the United States!

Aleksandr Kogan


(Sister Sledge)

FB protest.jpg

100 life-sized cutouts of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg sit on the lawn of the U.S. Capitol on April 10, 2018 in Washington, DC. Photo by Zach Gibson/Getty Images.

facebook Exploited the Soul of A Child

3 suicides within the same month live streamed on facetook but yet, 12-year-old Katelyn Davis video remained up for 2 weeks on facetook, not to be able to memorialize the life of a young precious girl with big gray eyes, but stuck with the memory of a video of a tragic violent desperate ending circulating for weeks.  To believe that facetook thought this was newsworthy as they stated, "they will begin considering the newsworthiness and public interest of difficult or graphic content before censoring it — even when it violates the site’s rules. According to its policy, facetook does not allow self-injury or suicide."  But only added "graphic video warning" instead of taking it down after family and law enforcement requests.  So I guess maybe we should hold them responsible and accountable for another live video suicide of 14-year-old Nakia Venant who live streamed for 2 hours before her death 3 weeks later, basically a copycat suicide.  Again another precious girl with a desperate cry for intervention and facetook couldn't filter this video to reach law enforcement within that time.  And then a day later another live streamed gun suicide.  Instagram is the worst social media platform for youth mental health (UK's Royal Society for Public Health study #StatusofMind).       

Violent content being live streamed such as kids beating a disabled man, a teen girl being gang-raped, a teen shooting in a school, and kids being bullied in posts.  We have another force of media power that needs to be reckoned with that can influence a generation of hatred, violence, depression, racism, that's playing into the vulnerability of a social circle without human interactions through feelings, eye contact, and talking.  A social world where we ignore each other & our children at the dinner table on our mobile devices conversing with our fingers versus our mouth;  co-worker interactions and customer service being interrupted by picking up our phone to check a post at work.  We have become emotionless, heartless, meaningless beings that inhale evil, addicted to gossip and become numb to encouraging and helping others, especially our youth through their deepest darkest painful struggles.

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." John 1:4

  "And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD, and great shall be the peace of thy children." Isaiah 54:13

Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people, but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” And he laid his hands on them and went away (Matthew 19:13-15 ESV).

facetook; now users are faceless

Has anyone considered that facetook Mark Zuckerberg at one time, after Trump was elected, mentioned that he wants to become President; was this based on the manipulation of his millions of facetook users data that was used for Trump's campaign that helped make him President? manipulated facetook users data to create psych personality profiles through facetook app by Cambridge Analytics (hired by Trump) and Psychologist Kogan? manipulated facetook users data to create political targeting ads possibly including and colluding with a Russian funded project on psychological profiling of people?

Damian Collins, the Conservative MP leading a British parliamentary investigation into online disinformation, told CNN that a British investigation found evidence that the data, collected by Professor Aleksandr Kogan on behalf of Cambridge Analytica, had been accessed from Russia and other countries. The discovery was made by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), Britain's data protection authority, Collins said.  While also working at Cambridge University, Kogan held a professorship at St. Petersburg State University. 

He made multiple visits to Russia. 

Kogan said it is possible that someone in Russia could have accessed data from his computer without his knowledge. "On my side, I am not aware of any Russian entity with access to my data,"  Kogan told CNN, "I don't know what could have happened to the data once I handed it over to Cambridge Analytica so it is difficult for me to speculate."

"...there will be a lot of interest now to see to what extent were people in Russia benefiting from the work Kogan was doing with his colleagues in Cambridge in the U.K.," Collins said.

Adding, "So is it possible, indirectly, that the Russians learned from Cambridge Analytica, and used that knowledge to run ads in America during the presidential election as well." 

by Donie O'Sullivan, Drew Griffin and Patricia DiCarlo   @CNNTech  July 17, 2018

facetook is social media artificial Intelligence to control run and operate the world through psychological question surveys and documentation that calculated human expressions, mood and behavior (status updates) then convincing and influencing people to believe in certain rumour and disinformation ads; used fake speakers and confused organizations by creating fake accounts to sway the vote away from Hillary Clinton; Stealing your identity through registered fake accounts with your data and use it against you to make you think you can trust the system; Stole it and Sold it!!  facetook has manipulated the system and your information to make you believe they are Big Brother; your secrets (private messages) are safe with them, you can trust them.  

The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) had a policy with facetook in 2011 that prohibits the harvesting of data on unsuspected users.  Identity theft is names used without persons permission to commit fraud (wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain). Even if consumers turned off third-party information you still used their data and they were still compromised.  

From Family & Business Social Network to Cyber Warfare *Psychotechnology Hellraiser

*the body of knowledge, theories, and techniques developed for understanding and influencing individual, group, and societal behavior in specified situations.




Le' Andre' J Dukes

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