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Did not see you hiding in plain sight, never been frightened of the dark even seeing devils in the light; never thought my life, and wife, kids life will be in danger; the news says a virus, an unseen stranger. 2019 was another Christmas, families together bringing on the cheers; Happy New Year a lot of love and domestic beers.  How do I fight what I can't see? when there is something in the air lurking, trying to murder me and my whole family. God did not want this to be fair, parents were relieved that children weren't getting this virus, it seemed that the components of this virus were only intended for adults in the beginning, scientist study SARS and the structure from that disease showed kids were not getting sick; for a short time, there was a sign of relief that COVID-19 looked about the same based on the data. Doctors are now seeing some illnesses in youth, ages ranging from toddlers to teens, they stated it was looking more like it is related to COVID-19. The animated movie "The Prince Of Egypt", was based on true facts from the Bible in the Book of Exodus. It showed a part of the movie where Moses was the chosen one to defeat a violent King - Pharoah Rameses; the mission, SET MY PEOPLE FREE, Moses asked humbly, Let my people GO but Pharoah kept saying NO; he needed to slave them to build his idol statues; OK the rising action was plagues; from frogs to locust, blood in the sea, famine, and even disease. Let my people GO, but Pharaoh and his people still don't believe in Gods wrath unleashed; so here we have the climax of Pharaoh's disobedience in chapter 12, when God told Moses, here comes Death; Do as I say, and my people I will spare, take the blood of a lamb, put it on the top and sides of the doors to prepare; When I strike down the Egyptians as I go through the land, the destroyer will Passover the doors with the blood of the lamb; It's the Passover sacrifice that will spare your families this day, as God struck down the firstborn of Egypt and took their breath away; as Pharaoh and his people awoke to see their sons dead, there was loud wailing and moaning in all of the land.  The disobedience from power, idolatry, arrogance; caused the life of the firstborn children's innocence; Leave; you are free; but even in his self-inflicted grief, vengeance is all a fool will see; God told Moses here they come, place the staff in the water and watch the Power of GOD split the Red Sea; As God's people finished the wall of sea crossover, Rameses and army were swept by the sea crashing over; "Vengeance is mine saith the Lord!" 

 We are separated by race for centuries we have been judge who is more superior to the other races but we failed to realize this is Jesus World; "King of Kings, the Alpha the Omega (the Beginning and the End). Man had it coming for years, some of these mutha fuckers don't care. His wrath will reign and all we will see is pain, warnings have always been there "Man" does he care? Money dollar, dollar bill y'all; it ain't so funny now, an aggressive Climate Change program has been held off for too long "Man!" Crops are starving, animals are dying, cover-up, cover-up, our government is lying! you see they have these meetings, but nobody is trying. The weather has changed forever; it's too hot to go outside. The snow comes more often, a more colder winter last much longer; now we really see Climate Change is everything; Did you see how our government responded? Reluctant to science and data, the warnings are screaming in our face and we are moving like sloths or just put it off until another day. Well, that day is here and we haven't even put on our pants, it caught us off guard. Youth have had marches; skipping school to protest for a response from our governments worldwide; companies have used their own funding to pay for commercials on the topic of Climate Control. What is it going to take, more G-7 meetings or God's discipline right in your face? "Man" did not believe and now we cannot breathe; mask up, mask on, Covid-19 World; never in my dreams, seeing people around the world dying, families suffering, that's a high magnitude, give God the glory! someday, if we live we can tell this story; how the world came to see, you will never be bigger than God! He came and took the breath out of life. Humble yourself cause was it not he who breathed life, life into man; some believe some don't understand.  

"Oh, you are on your knees now!" Mercy, mercy me, damn this didn't have to be but you stuck on that slave mentality history, "Man" forgotten about fair share, woman's rights; how you dare to compare, some do the job better than you do. what's right is right; what's wrong is wrong. We can go on and on but will that change tomorrow? Thousands have died from this virus, the name is Covid-19; it will be apart of Trump's history. They say it's from China, Trump said it was a hoax; America did not have a chance when the president is playing jokes. Lives are in danger, shortage of PPE; Trump plays the blame game. CDC, WHO; I don't know who said it, "you don't have to wear a mask," how things got so twisted? We have doctors and nurses on the front lines sacrificing; grocery store workers, pharmacists, bus drivers, police, EMT, civil service workers, and the list goes on; they are here and present for America, where they live and where they could die; they are essential workers and America is proud of them. This is no longer a movie with a man written script, we are living this movie, trying to tell my mind to get a grip as the tears slip away, I fall on my knees and pray lord, why question God almighty when we all know the answer, we all knew the consequences. COVID world we are now living this curse, this plague; we all have to suffer because of another man's actions.  I didn't pull the trigger so we will live today, we are not promised tomorrow. We are all in this boat together, the world, there are new rules to life; six feet, keep your distance, wear your mask; they used to tell Muslims they could not cover their face in public; now we all have to wear a face-covering, Covid World. Have we forsaken the Lord? where do we go from here? we were broken with Trump, now we are sickened with Trump; cursed for not doing the right thing, punished for others disobedience to God. They're lukewarm in their belief in God.  You told us to warn the people, I did what you wanted me to do, sleepness nights. God, we tried to blow the horn loud as I could; do they hear or were they sleeping, or for some, they just didn't give a damn? They see now but do they understand? we are now out of our comfort zone; Lord have mercy on us. People have lost life savings, homes, jobs but most important God-LIFE. Witness, we are first hand in this world pandemic; we had to hunker down, stay at home, kids could not go to school, some parents now work at home. The world had to stand still, be silent and think; some prayed, some are still praying; life is in jeopardy whoever has the most discipline will have a better chance of not contracting the virus, the unknown; you can't run from it, it's here, it dwells in the presence, the now.  Is there a bright side to death? No; but God is showing us what man has trampled over on this earth. Italy, the waters were blue again ducks and geese were back in the water by themselves; fish were seen swimming in the canal. Wild pigs were seen roaming the streets in different countries; goats out roaming in neighborhoods, bees were seen populating, goats in California were seen in a herd trotting through a neighborhood. God is showing us first hand how much "Man" has taken from Mother Earth. If you don't believe in anything I think it's time for you to believe in something. Life is not promised to nobody.           Nfaith Under 1 Nation 


Le' Andre' J Dukes

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