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 Peace Soul  Needs



Hell has dropped out of the sky! No! Them are angels being rejected, they walk this earth with no halo, no wings, they look like you and I, can I get a witness ? Hell no! Can I get a Amen? Hell no! You ain't getting my soul from me, that's where my spirit want to be, it's my destiny, friends? hell no, these are the last days. I got to get right, keep your circle small, Satan waiting for you to fall. I just need peace, humans, right just trying to get by, some stay drunk, some stay high, it's like that when you have thoughts that you might die. Peace I need, peace stand right beside me, peace stand in front of me, peace be still, I need peace in me, that is the only thing that is loyal, peace.  I don't  have to forgive peace; I might have to pay for it, peace.     Le' Andre' Jamol Dukes     

The Sounds Of Slavery Again 



What you are going to do now? You been slaves for a very long time now it is 2020 and we are still treated like slaves, run, nigga run they used to say, we have been  standing still and we are still being killed. No matter how much money your life will see they still think we should be back in slavery. Shot ,choked, ran over punched they used to  cut our dick off and put in a jar. Shoot them hoops, run that ball, hit that ball, and the crowd cheers YYYEEAAHHHHHHHH Go Go Go! Who am I to you? Who am I to you? Who am I to you? Are we not all men and woman "God!" Said so do you hear the sounds of blackness? Yes our skin color is loud, we are loud, grateful for who we are and I would not trade it in for the world; lift up the men and women who have been murdered at the hands of Police officers; God said we are one, someone did not get the memo.         Le' Andre' Jamol Dukes

The Evil Men Do



The sun will rise, it's God's promise; who feeds the birds? they still fly and chirp. I had bird shit fall from the sky and hit me right in the eye in my Sundays best. I wanted to climb the tree and pluck his feathers but that's the way life goes. It's every man and woman for themselves, who controls the evil in a man?  Who controls the good in a man? What you do, it is up to that person. This is the imbalance of man and woman to rebuke the desires of evil. Is it based on your upbringing, were you raised in Church? That is even in question these days; evil lies in churches as well, who can save them? Pastors have been seen with a split tongue and God has placed your life in their hands? Can people just be good? Hell no, humans have faults; how the fuck can you kill a man in broad daylight with a audience around you telling you to stop, are you fucking crazy? No, are you really? and you're  a Policeman at that. If kids see that, what kind of trauma have you caused in their life going forward? The blood, the torcher, the beatings, the hangings is past down through generations? Is it a white mans curse? Take your filthy foot off our necks; we demand justice from killing four hundred years ago till now, even in twenty twenty. Thou shall not kill! Please do not say, well blacks kill each other, when you pull the rug from underneath our feet and sabotage the system.  The ghetto's were built to to keep us confined together where we have to fight for space and make us territorial and rival against one another. That make us look unfit and violent.  In an area that we call hoods and blocks, you will have gangs, we are fighting to get out cause the system is built against us. Hell yeah, some us have PTSD; what you think? Some of us live in a war zone right here in America. America you owe us, there's a debt that has not been paid to Blacks - "FORTY ACRES AND A MULE"

The Evil Men Do

ALL STARS and planets can be seen under a high definition lens.  What is unknown can be seen, planet earth curiosity is science



The sun will rise, it's God's promise; who feeds the birds? they still fly and chirp. I had bird shit fall from the sky and hit me right in the eye in my Sundays best. I wanted to climb the tree and pluck his feathers but that's the way life goes. It's every man and woman for themselves, who controls the evil in a man?  Who controls the good in a man? What you do, it is up to that person. This is the imbalance of man and woman to rebuke the desires of evil. Is it based on your upbringing, were you raised in Church? That is even in question these days; evil lies in churches as well, who can save them? Pastors have been seen with a split tongue and God has placed your life in their hands? Can people just be good? Hell no, humans have faults; how the fuck can you kill a man in broad daylight with a audience around you telling you to stop, are you fucking crazy? No, are you really? and you're  a Policeman at that. If kids see that, what kind of trauma have you caused in their life going forward? The blood, the torcher, the beatings, the hangings is past down through generations? Is it a white mans curse? Take your filthy foot off our necks; we demand justice from killing four hundred years ago till now, even in twenty twenty. Thou shall not kill! Please do not say, well blacks kill each other, when you pull the rug from underneath our feet and sabotage the system.  The ghetto's were built to to keep us confined together where we have to fight for space and make us territorial and rival against one another. That make us look unfit and violent.  In an area that we call hoods and blocks, you will have gangs, we are fighting to get out cause the system is built against us. Hell yeah, some us have PTSD; what you think? Some of us live in a war zone right here in America. America you owe us, there's a debt that has not been paid to Blacks - "FORTY ACRES AND A MULE"



Okay I see this will not die down tomirrow.  I see from the opt

coming soon

The sun will rise, it's God's promise; who feeds the birds? they still fly and chirp. I had bird shit fall from the sky and hit me right in the eye in my Sundays best. I wanted to climb the tree and pluck his feathers but that's the way life goes. It's every man and woman for themselves, who controls the evil in a man?  Who controls the good in a man? What you do, it is up to that person. This is the imbalance of man and woman to rebuke the desires of evil. Is it based on your upbringing, were you raised in Church? That is even in question these days; evil lies in churches as well, who can save them? Pastors have been seen with a split tongue and God has placed your life in their hands? Can people just be good? Hell no, humans have faults; how the fuck can you kill a man in broad daylight with a audience around you telling you to stop, are you fucking crazy? No, are you really? and you're  a Policeman at that. If kids see that, what kind of trauma have you caused in their life going forward? The blood, the torcher, the beatings, the hangings is past down through generations? Is it a white mans curse? Take your filthy foot off our necks; we demand justice from killing four hundred years ago till now, even in twenty twenty. Thou shall not kill! Please do not say, well blacks kill each other, when you pull the rug from underneath our feet and sabotage the system.  The ghetto's were built to to keep us confined together where we have to fight for space and make us territorial and rival against one another. That make us look unfit and violent.  In an area that we call hoods and blocks, you will have gangs, we are fighting to get out cause the system is built against us. Hell yeah, some us have PTSD; what you think? Some of us live in a war zone right here in America. America you owe us, there's a debt that has not been paid to Blacks - "FORTY ACRES AND A MULE"


Thanksgiving Day 2023

ALL STARS and planets can be seen under a high-definition lens.  What is unknown can be seen, planet earth curiosity is science.  We need to know; planet earth has to know; is there any other planets like earth.  Momma, I'm going to build me a rocket ship, cause what I can't see is killing me.  "Twinkle, twinkle little star, I wonder how far."  What is a solar system, planet earth momma? I need to know. Piece by piece, part by part, rocketeers have a high IQ.  Fire and combustion propel this high-density sheet metal shaped into a tube and it's called a rocket. NASA is the creation we use to discover flight beyond earth.  For many years humans have studied what is unknown beyond Mother Earth. Have you ever wondered what is the racial difference between white and other ethnicities that is studied beyond the stars? Are there scholarships offered to other ethnicities to study the planets, or should I ask the question, are other ethnicities interested in study beyond the earth? Should we focus more on climate change and why eventually, this planet earth is heading toward being uninhabitable for humans; and focus on rising temperatures and storm patterns, because you can't run and hide to the moon from Extinction!

UFO, Americans are so caught up on what an alien looks like and these flying objects that landed in a cornfield, and now the cornfield has a burnt circle left from where the spaceship took off. So many encounters, that now they say there is evidence of aliens and spaceships.  "Beam me up Scottie" from the movies to toys at the rest stops along the highways. The ET paraphernalia rakes in billions, but I have never seen a spaceship, never shook hands with an alien.  Why are we infatuated with the unknown.  Hello, Reality check? Hey, I love the movies, I got it, it's a fascination, like Big Foot and all the other folk stuff.

Climate change is real and real people die from it every day, so please can I phone home? Yes, ET made me cry but check it; What type of gasoline does a spaceship use, 87 or 92, is it electric?

U.F.O. Part 2

Okay I see this is not going to die down tomorrow.  I see from the opt-ed, it just inflamed some more curiosity, or we've established that we all have our own opinions about the unknown, and we are not the ones to get caught up in this goulash of negating theories.  It's been a century!  Can we please stop the madness?  Okay, great I get it; it generates revenue but is this how we are going to waste time and money, talking about green people with 3 fingers and 8 toes? Look, if there has not been a capture, or holdings of alien material or some substance, you have to close the door on this.  Countries see this as sign of weakness.  Are we just one sided here?  Why won't a spaceship visit the low-income communities across America?  I don't think there's been any reportings from the projects because we are dealing with real problems, in real life situations; but only in America, Trump creates a team called Space Force.  America, climate change is real!

U.F.O. Part 3

 It was a joint adventure, Hollywood and the US government.  You make the films and we will keep the conspiracy theories going.  Billions from the black and white screens, rabbit ear antennas, silver jumpsuits and spaceships on vintage TV's.  It broke TV airwaves, we were hooked.  The make-up on the actor portrayed as an alien today would look like a grade school sci-fi school play, where moms sold rice crispy treats and homemade cookies for 50 cents.  Those baked goods were the best.  Clap for them the show is over, take a bow.  My mom clapped and yelled, BRAVO the loudest.  Now I'm embarrassed. Take off this purple paint!   



The Exceptional Liar
He stared at me looking right in my eyes.  "They were very fine people on both sides."  This is 2023!  There was a time when America would not have opened the door to a person like Trump, ready to pull back the skin on America's ugly face and past. The door was held open for an old foe, an entity that has a grave bloodline, the great white hope was anointed to the throne.  Trump came to stoke fear into white folks.  For some, thirsty and ready to show that they are still on top. White excellence was the froth on top, they started sipping lattes during Trumps presidency; they were drunk off the froth.  We seen Karens on full display, racism at an all-time high, noses with their heads tipped to the sky.  White privilege was on display.  Trump cheered them on, he was their coach.  The whistle was only blown if it was against the other team.  We are split as a nation, at one point America was grounded in unity.  But there's not unification if the other team lies.  Trump blew life into this gang; these boys were proud and loud of being minions for Trump.  They adorn a gold crest on the chest. The rallies became justified, one-sided on how they can advance to keep the movement divided between the trumpers and the rest of the world.  We have become a damned nation, a sweater where the thread started to unravel.


If it was a Black President
January 6th would have been the day; they would have locked up a black president. If he was black, there would not have been a prep rally, a gathering with democratic personnel.  Basically, that was a new age Klan rally at the Capitol; there was a stage built for hanging with a noose. Only in America, were they allowed to have a Klan rally at the Capitol.  This was seen around the world; MAGA in full effect looking to hang the opposition and their own VP.  A green light was authorized that day to steal, kill, destroy and raise hell over the ideology of the ole dirty south.  White men in white capes with head drapes touting power that should never exist, with twisted souls; demonic, that thirst for blood and torture black lives. CAUTION! there will be a civil war if sides can't unite and bond.  Civility has worn out American hearts, know what side you're on because that day will be unknown.  Know your friends; know your foes because we are in the last days.  We are on the brink of a broken society; where they let the devil through the front door.  Trump is for division and hatred.  You can't have peace in America with a president who is locked into HATE.  Hate won't be equal; Hate is division, a broken road that points to damnation. They say hide the books of slavery in schools; you cannot hide an ugly truth that existed, you're supposed to learn from it.  Just like the 25 percent Irish that runs through my veins; it exists, just like the 75 percent West African.  Stop denying what is Truth; Stop lying on the Truth!


The Exceptional Liar
He stared at me looking right in my eyes.  "They were very fine people on both sides."  This is 2023!  There was a time when America would not have opened the door to a person like Trump, ready to pull back the skin on America's ugly face and past. The door was held open for an old foe, an entity that has a grave bloodline, the great white hope was anointed to the throne.  Trump came to stoke fear into white folks.  For some, thirsty and ready to show that they are still on top. White excellence was the froth on top, they started sipping lattes during Trumps presidency; they were drunk off the froth.  We seen Karens on full display, racism at an all-time high, noses with their heads tipped to the sky.  White privilege was on display.  Trump cheered them on, he was their coach.  The whistle was only blown if it was against the other team.  We are split as a nation, at one point America was grounded in unity.  But there's not unification if the other team lies.  Trump blew life into this gang; these boys were proud and loud of being minions for Trump.  They adorn a gold crest on the chest. The rallies became justified, one-sided on how they can advance to keep the movement divided between the trumpers and the rest of the world.  We have become a damned nation, a sweater where the thread started to unravel.


If it was a Black President
January 6th would have been the day; they would have locked up a black president. If he was black, there would not have been a prep rally, a gathering with democratic personnel.  Basically, that was a new age Klan rally at the Capitol; there was a stage built for hanging with a noose. Only in America, were they allowed to have a Klan rally at the Capitol.  This was seen around the world; MAGA in full effect looking to hang the opposition and their own VP.  A green light was authorized that day to steal, kill, destroy and raise hell over the ideology of the ole dirty south.  White men in white capes with head drapes touting power that should never exist, with twisted souls; demonic, that thirst for blood and torture black lives. CAUTION! there will be a civil war if sides can't unite and bond.  Civility has worn out American hearts, know what side you're on because that day will be unknown.  Know your friends; know your foes because we are in the last days.  We are on the brink of a broken society; where they let the devil through the front door.  Trump is for division and hatred.  You can't have peace in America with a president who is locked into HATE.  Hate won't be equal; Hate is division, a broken road that points to damnation. They say hide the books of slavery in schools; you cannot hide an ugly truth that existed, you're supposed to learn from it.  Just like the 25 percent Irish that runs through my veins; it exists, just like the 75 percent West African.  Stop denying what is Truth; Stop lying on the Truth!

“They kept saying about what I said right after the insurrection,” he said outside Mar-a-Lago after arguments concluded in Washington, D.C. “I think it was an insurrection caused by Nancy Pelosi."     2/8/24


Your kid admit that he did push Johnny to the ground. Johnny had some scrapes and boo boo's on his elbow and shins, Johnny told his mom Donald pushed him to the ground. Donalds mom was notified of the incident, Donalds' mom said, "My son would never do a thing like that." Donalds' mom then asked, if he would ever do such a nasty thing like pushing Johnny to the ground? Donald then said, "How do you think Sara lost control of her bike and broke her arm?" "Donald, I know you would never do such a thing." "Well mom, it won't be the first and it won't be last time. How is your shoulder mom? I'm sorry I left the skateboard by your bed."  "Mom one day, I want to be President."



A suit tie, wing-tipped shoes, gold cuff links, private plane; part-time wife, three sons. I am a generational con artist, to the public, I'm a businessman. They see me; they see money! We worked hard to uphold the name Trump, it took a team to run this show; I am the American dream; blonde hair, blue eyes, yes! The poster boy on display; rich, be rich, feel rich, even if I am not rich. US President 45; my white patrons made me; I am your great white hope. Keep the hope alive, I am American, we are America and everything else is below us, means U.S. This United States is ours, our forefathers made America. A quote by Trump January 23, 2016  

"My people are so smart -- and you know what else they say about my people? The polls?" Trump asked a crowd at a Sioux Center, Iowa, rally Saturday. "I have the most loyal people -- did you ever see that?"

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" he said, referring to the major street in New York City that cuts through Manhattan's large commercial district. "It's, like, incredible."

Welcome to Gotham


Posted By: Will Moss on January 12, 2024

Another month, another endorsement of a deeply racist conspiracy theory by multi-hyphenate billionaire Elon Musk.

Late last year, Musk threw a massive tantrum on stage following outrage at his calling an unhinged and antisemitic conspiracy theory "the actual truth."

Now, Musk has similarly endorsed a tweet suggesting Black students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have lower IQs and shouldn't become pilots.

"It will take an airplane crashing and killing hundreds of people for them to change this crazy policy of DIE," he tweeted, in response to a post arguing that IQ averages were lower at HBCUs, and lower than the "average IQ of US Air Force pilots."

DIE was a likely intentionally rearranged acronym of DEI, which stands for "diversity, equity, and inclusion" initiatives.

The original post went as far as to imply that students at HBCUs had IQs that put them near "the threshold for what is considered 'borderline intellectual impairment.'"

Musk was referring to a United Airlines program that allows students at three HBCUs to interview to become a pilot, which was established in 2021.

"Do you want to fly in an airplane where they prioritized DEI hiring over your safety?" he tweeted in a separate post, despite the existence of extremely strict requirements for applicants.

Needless to say, he's incorrect on almost every conceivable level. For starters, the basic concept of IQ representing cognitive ability has long been debunked. The original tweet also appears to imply that a high SAT score is correlated to a high IQ, which is also wrong.
By Le' Andre' Dukes
Bruh, you're not a Genius, the electric car has been in the making for many years. Taking the format from a patent product and changing it by twenty percent is not a genius. Remaking a product is called improving it. Basically, you pimped my ride; a shout out to the real X (Xzibit) and MTV.    An oversized touchscreen computer in the dash, yeah real genius! Are we still doing self-driving cars, is that still a thing?You good boyeee; Robots, brain chips have all been done. Use your Billions to change the world in a good way. Pricks like you, get's no pass from the average person tryna get by, A fukin showboat and a racist, hanging with rappers like you cool, yeah fukin joke; then saying it's blacks' fault for the door of a plane flying off during a flight is wild bro. It must be good to have the money to change other people's products, then get labeled a genius. Why don't you re-event the crack pipe; and show them how company meetings need to be held by passing the needle around and having lap dances on high back business chairs? Fire the ones who don't partake in LSD gummy bears. Chill with race stuff, dude! Did you pay for the tow trucks gas when your Telsa cars froze? You can never diminish the history of the Motor City gas engines, dude. "Blacks should not fly planes", you said? Wow, from the Tuskegee Airmen, to flying for all airlines and the United States Airforce; they are listening. Why is a Billionaire so angry with the world? You go the Met gala rockin a red  samurai costume, embossed with a Satanic goat. Go live! Stop badgering people about race; what's in your DNA?  


July 21, 2024

Happy Heavenly Birthday Daddy     July 9, 1946


(By Le' Andre' J Dukes / Book Release 2024 
A request from my father in-law, sports has always been the centerpiece in our families.
Father in-law, John Parish, a DB for Stanford University, and Uncle Don Parish, Hall of Fame for Stanford University and for the NFL. Gloria J Scott my mom, a standout high school basketball player in Battle Creek Michigan and Douglas Scott my dad, a standout high school & college basketball and track & field player in Tx. My biological father, Theodore Evans, was a standout high school basketball player and a known street ball player back in his days. Shareen Dukes gained medals in track & field and was offered a scholarship to attend MIT out of high school.
John had heard that I played high school football 
and was really good but did not play my senior year. Shareen and I already had two babies and working full-time jobs. Pastor John had an epiphany, and John would not let the idea fall on deaf ears.
He said, "Andre, you know you have that burning sensation to still play", but I was like, that's in the wind I'm out of shape I was not in football shape. Lifting weights was a daily with friends and with Shareen. I got connected with a US military Olympic power lifter who worked out at Schofield where I was working out. This man could lift the gym, the gym bars would bend, his height was about 5"6 but built like a mountain; Samoan. After seeing him many times in the gym, I introduced myself and explained what I needed help on, and why. He looked at me who is this guy, spilt it; I'm trying to go to college at a Juco in California to play football. He just stared at me, with three words he said, "be here tomorrow same time", I'm smiling like yeah! Cool. We decided as a family to contact the coaches at Contra Costa College located in Richmond, Ca, the town where my wife grew up and where they filmed the movie, Coach Carter. They really didn't know what they were getting; they seen some of my pictures, but I have not played in years. This was a business trip, strictly business. I arrived at San Francisco Airport, and I was met by a group of coaches. The head coach grabs my hand and shook it with a firm grip and said, "how's it going buddy?" The other coaches said, "Damn, Coach Creer scored on this one, the boy is buff." I shook all the coaches' hands, and they said they would take care of me as long I put in the work and I said, I will. (DETAILS IN THE BOOK) 95 percent of the Football Team was Black. I'm black, but I'm coming from Hawaii into their territory. I grew up in the hood, but the lingo has changed.  They shooting right down the street from the school! I stood my ground, and I talked like them, "What up folks" and "Hyphee" was that mouth butter of the Bay. They were more bugg'in on the fact that I was from Hawaii. Beautiful campus, great staff, good counselor's; helpful with great customer service, got all my classes in a day. QB 1 was white, the only one; a backup running back from Japan, never played but came to learn; he was one of one. LB from San Francisco was Samoan, he was one of one; very sharp with a barber shop cut and mainland clothes. He liked my lavalava's he was like, "I got Family in Hawaii". I wore a Lavalava around the locker room, and they called me Hawaii; that was my name from the sports trainer Brian and the locker room manager Benny Barns, ex- Dallas Cowboy football player, called me that. I wore Puka shells and sold Aloha shirts, puka shells, board shorts, and lava-lavas. Just about every player on the team had Puka shells. I would send the money back to Shareen and she would send me more goods from the swap meet. Coach Mc Derment provided me a security job and help with other needs. I had roomed with a player who lived outside of Richmond with his family. Coach Creer paid the mom to make sure I was fed and had a bed; good Mom, great food but she wanted more money. Several other families QB Jason, Kicker Anthony (Tony) Hill, Then I was off to the next home sleeping on the ground, it became the norm. This is what fueled me, driven; my second year I recorded fourteen sacks and made first team all-conference. (READ THE BOOK).

Biden- I felt frustrated, confused, angry and uncertain about the state of our democracy.
Why would you doubt the man that already beat and is tied up to Trump? He ran to save the
SOUL of this Nation; not for Power, Fame or Glory!
He needed to save US (America) from the dark evil ruling forces of the Beast. A cult of hatred, violence, arrogance, racism and discrimination - Trumpism.

My dad sacrificed and put others before himself; late evening counseling, prayers and visitations to those in need. Taking on the burdens of others, all while dealing with racism and battling his adversaries to pray for them and with them.  He'd fellowship with all races, all backgrounds and all religions.
My mother would be discouraged when my dad had to split his time with other families. They argued about it, but she understood his calling and persevered to stand by his side through his ministry.
My dad got older, beat cancer and he fell but he never had any mental illnesses. He was always sharp to share his experiences and give advice to others even if his body slowed down, his voice got softer, and he misspoke a name or paused on a thought.
An eloquent speaker in his ministry; annual MLK speeches, preacher, activist, campaign promoter for Jesse Jackson and Bill Clinton, whom he shared with being a part of the Boys Nation League that met JFK. Excited and energized to keep HOPE alive with Obama!
My dad passed away in 2016, when Trump took over the nation after believing America had overcome hatred and racism.
I'm sure when he met Jesus he asked, "Why Trump, Why Evil, Why Hatred? I'm sure the answer was Man, God's burden and disappointment!
President Biden reminds me of my daddy.  His ideas, the way he spoke but also his mannerisms. I saw how he embraced the first woman, VP Kamala Harris, as one of his own.  A father that could mentor advise and guide her.  Embrace her ideas, flaws and redirect her or encourage her. Allowed her to make mistakes but understood that he would make some of his own. Wait for her to listen to him when she realized she was wrong. 
Like my daddy - support our ideas; try to advise us before we make a mistake but be there to hug us through the hurt.

I was frustrated with those closest to Biden, telling him to give up. Democrats that we advocated for. The disloyalty was maddening, the division was disheartening.
Trump and his Publican nationalists will win because you are doubting him, you are turning your back on him.  The last thing needed to feed Trumpism.
I know Kamala can be his successor, but I felt only Biden can win this election race. I figured, wait to get to the finish line to give her the Gold medal.
Uncertain about if he should pass the baton in the final leg; we might drop it, we might mess up the pass off, we might get disqualified.
But God spoke to us as we were waiting for his message and so was Biden, not man's doubts and fears about how he is making us look bad.
God said this is a relay race, Biden has run 3 legs of the race, and we need the fastest person for the last leg/lap of the race. They have to be just as fast as the first leg of the race, the 4th leg needs to be strong, fast, warmed up and observed it to keep the lead and sprint to the finish line to win.  Kamala is that woman to run that final 4th leg.
Biden ran a strong race; all 3 legs and we will take the lead!
Thank you for showing us how to run this race with loyalty sacrifice,
humility, courage and honor!
Always about We not Me!
Always about US not They!
It's time to Pass the Baton, Pass the Torch!
Just like the 4th quarter; it's what wins the game in other sports. You have to push through to the end with vigor, rejuvenation and gut!
As my daddy said in his last days when we asked him how he felt, he would reply,

We must take a STAND!
We must not Sit!
We must run the course of Life!
We must get back up when we fall and "STAND

Not just for the Party but for the PEOPLE!

By Shareen Dukes

Le' Andre' J Dukes

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