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They say Afro, I say yes we have soul, do you see it? Can you smell it? like the sweet collard greens simmerin' on the stove. We rise like golden corn bread coming out the oven shining like the sun.We will rise, we been down, we have been up, we are from far , far, away, from the Motherland. Some days I wish she could hold me, my roots, my blood lies down the line from generations. My pain is seen on all TV screens around the world "Say My Name!" (Breonna Taylor)

Zhane' Dukes
Le' Andre' Dukes 7/4/20
Forever a Hero
A young adult entering a new season, a butterfly that has just begun to flutter her new wings;
never to see another birthday, gone to soon but she is reborn in spirit and her souls now soars.
The path she chose to be a life savior, made her Oh soo worthy a servant; "forever a hero" is the song she hears us sing.
We must give her Peace as she passes the Power, we take over the fight as the sound of Justice roars.
Go now our Queen, no longer a princess, you've earned your crown; till we meet again,
Let your FREEDOM ring!!
Shareen Dukes 7/4/20
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