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blk  rhino

B L K   R H I N O

Black - Bold - Unique, misunderstood Rare African;

for over a century they have been murdered, killings not justified.  BLACK MAN BLACK MAN lives in America 

white man's jungle, brought on a boat just like an animal

put them in a pasture, made them graze like an animal

 fed them scraps like an animal 

whipped us, killed us; worse than an animal. 

BLK Rhino, locked us up like an animal

white man fucked a BLK black Rhino;

that BLK Black Rhino became a baby grey Rhino.

I know we were made in America, home of the brave

home of the black slave....hunted still today

We are hunted like a BLK Rhino; not for our horns or tusks

today they kill us for bragging rights..

That's right, bragging rights; if they could stuff us or hang our heads on a wall they would, just like another trophy 

Stiff, Stuck and Pluck just like a duck; BLK Rhino... 

Sometimes they come to our conservation, our hood,

to hunt us; the younger the kill, the rarest

By killing the young our future promises won't grow  

Killing the young, slows down our growth for future

judges, doctors, attorneys or freedom fighters

or even a future Black President... BLK Rhino

Copyright            Le 'Andre' Dukes           8/7/18

Chicago police release video to ease tensions after killing Harith Augustus

By Alex Horton and Mark Guarino July 15 2017


Protests erupted in Chicago after an officer fatally shot an armed black man Saturday evening, prompting police to release body camera video of the killing to ease simmering tensions.

The Chicago Police Department said an officer fired at 37-year-old Harith Augustus at about 5:31 p.m. when Augustus reached for his weapon. Police say the incident began while they were on patrol and saw Augustus. They suspected he was carrying a gun underneath his shirt.

“When they approached him, he tried to push their hands away,” Patrol Chief Fred Waller told reporters. “He started flailing and swinging away, trying to make his escape. And as he was making his escape, reached for his weapon.”

Body camera footage released Sunday appeared to corroborate that initial version of events. At least four officers are shown approaching Augustus. A female officer reaches for his arm, starting a brief struggle.


Augustus is shoved with his back to a police vehicle. A freeze frame shows a holstered pistol and what appears to be an ammunition magazine. He gets away and flees to the street, where he appears to reach for the weapon. An officer shoots him an unknown number of times.

Police Superintendent Eddie T. Johnson said he released the footage with rare speed to dispel rumors that Augustus was unarmed and to defuse public outrage in Chicago, where the shooting has prompted protests and confrontations with police.

“I have an obligation to this city, to the community, and to these police officers, to make sure this city is safe and calm,” Johnson said in a news conference. “We can’t have another night like that.”


It is not clear from the video whether Augustus drew his pistol before he was shot, but he does not appear to extend his arm toward the officers. The officer who shot Augustus appears to be white, as do two other officers. The fourth officer appears to be black.


The body cameras have a 30-second delay before audio starts, Johnson said, and the video released does not have any sound.

The killing sparked waves of protests throughout the city, with demonstrators shouting “murderer” and “no justice, no peace” through the night, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.

In the Grand Crossing neighborhood of the predominantly black South Side, protesters clashed with officers carrying batons, leading to four arrests, the Associated Press reported. People hurled rocks and bottles at officers, with some suffering minor injuries.

Videos posted to social media captured the public outrage over the shooting. Nader Issa, a reporter at the Sun-Times, recorded videos showing people at the scene of the shooting hemmed in along a fence and shouting at police on the other side.

In another video, a man tumbles to the ground as officers swing batons at the crowd. Issa reported that an officer shoved him to the ground and knocked his phone from his hand.


Early Sunday evening, about 50 people started marching from the spot where the shooting occurred. Behind the marchers was a heavy police presence.

Tina, a bystander who didn’t want to give her last name because she lives in the neighborhood, said she was “not surprised at all” when she heard the news of the shooting. “This is a bad neighborhood, okay. The police sit on 71st Street all day long and I always felt it was to protect us. But what happened yesterday, I don’t think it was to protect us.”

Eddie Williams, a construction worker who lives around the corner from the shooting, and who has three brothers who work for the Chicago Police Department, said he is dismayed at the black-on-black crime. “Can’t worry about the Chicago Police when it’s your own race shooting each other.”

The bystander said he has seen the video, but is waiting to make judgment on it. “I want to get the full story. He had a pistol but I didn’t see him pull it. I’ll wait until everything comes out.”

Augustus was a barber who went by the nickname “Snoop,” said Gloria Rainge, according to the Sun-Times. She told the paper that she saw the confrontation and said that an officer told Augustus not to sell loose cigarettes.

She said Augustus explained that he wasn’t, the situation escalated, and he was shot as he was running away. Johnson, the police superintendent, said Sunday that he could not corroborate information about Augustus potentially selling cigarettes.

Rainge told the Sun-Times that Augustus was “cool, laid-back, very intelligent.”

Johnson offered few details during the news conference, citing an ongoing investigation by Chicago’s Civilian Office of Police Accountability, but did say that Augustus did not appear to have a state-issued concealed firearm license.

Johnson may face more questions about Augustus’s firearm licensing.

The body camera video shows Augustus reaching for his wallet as the officers approach. In the struggle, a card protrudes from his wallet. It appears to be a Firearm Owners Identification Card, which allows qualified people to buy weapons and ammunition, according to the Illinois State Police.


The Civilian Office of Police Accountability, a city agency that’s independent of the police department, did not return an immediate request for comment asking if they believe Augustus was attempting to show the card to police before the struggle, or if he was mistaken that the card allowed him to conceal carry.

The police said in a statement that the officer who killed Augustus will be placed on 30 days of administrative duty, a routine decision after an officer-involved shooting.

Protests were planned for Sunday in South Shore, the Chicago Tribune reported, about 24 hours after Augustus was killed.

Chicago is still reckoning with the police shooting of Laquan McDonald, a black teenager killed in 2014.  Police initially said he lunged at an officer with a knife when he was shot, but videos contradicted those claims.

Protests rocked the city after the videos were released.

Three current or former officers were charged in June 2017 with conspiracy to cover up the shooting, and the city promised reforms in the wake of the killing.

Guarino reported from Chicago.

When Can the Police Stop and Frisk You on the Street?


by Beverly Rice  Legal Zoom

What exactly is Reasonable Suspicion?

Reasonable suspicion is defined by a set of factual circumstances that would lead a reasonable police officer to believe criminal activity is occurring. This is different from the probable cause (what a reasonable person would believe) required for an arrest, search, and seizure. If the stop and frisk gives rise to probable cause to believe the detainee has committed a crime, then the police officer should have the power to make a formal arrest and conduct a search of the person.

What is a Stop?

What constitutes a stop and frisk? Can one be stopped and not frisked? Or does one action always follow another? A stop is a seizure of a person. There are two types of stops: (1.) a show of force and (2.) a show of authority. With a show of force, an officer must physically lay hands on the person with the intent of detaining them. In a show of authority, the officer's look, demeanor, and display of authority persuades a person to submit to authority. The key element in this type of stop is that the individual must submit to the show of authority, believe they have been seized, and feel compelled to cooperate.

A Justified Stop

A stop is justified if the suspect is exhibiting any combination of the following behaviors:

  1. Appears not to fit the time or place.

  2. Matches the description on a "Wanted" flyer.

  3. Acts strangely, or is emotional, angry, fearful, or intoxicated.

  4. Loitering, or looking for something.

  5. Running away or engaging in furtive movements.

  6. Present in a crime scene area.

  7. Present in a high-crime area (not sufficient by itself or with loitering).


What is a Justified Frisk?

A frisk is a type of search that requires a lawful stop. It involves contact or patting of the person's outer clothing to detect if a concealed weapon is being carried. The frisk doesn't necessarily always follow a stop. The law of frisk is based on the "experienced police officer" standard whereby an officer's experience makes him more equipped to read into criminal behavior than the average layperson.

The purpose of a frisk is to dispel suspicions of danger to the officer and other persons. The frisk should only be used to detect concealed weapons or contraband. If other evidence, such as a suspected drug container, can be felt under the suspect's clothing, it can be seized by the officer. This is called the "plain feel" doctrine. To pass the plain feel test, the item must have an immediately apparent character or quality of being contraband or evidence.

A frisk is justified under the following circumstances:

  1. Concern for the safety of the officer or of others.

  2. Suspicion the suspect is armed and dangerous.

  3. Suspicion the suspect is about to commit a crime where a weapon is commonly used.

  4. Officer is alone and backup has not arrived.

  5. Number of suspects and their physical size.

  6. Behavior, emotional state, and/or look of suspects.

  7. Suspect gave evasive answers during the initial stop.

  8. Time of day and/or geographical surroundings (not sufficient by themselves to justify frisk).


Too much power?

Does the ability to stop and frisk go too far? Many police departments are at odds with the public in certain neighborhoods concerning what some people deem unwarranted stops. People in high crime areas and in areas with high minority populations often complain they are stopped and questioned at a disproportionately higher rate than their counterparts in other areas of the city.

Even some patrol officers complain about an unwritten quota system that rewards officers with promotions based on the number of stop and frisks they perform that uncover drugs or guns. While officers believe the stop and frisk law is a useful crime fighting tool, they also feel the law can be overused in an effort to boost statistics. Moreover, stop and frisk may reduce crime by scaring criminals into thinking they might be stopped at any time, but it also scares law-abiding citizens. This further alienates good citizens and strains the relationship between the police and the community.

Protests in Chicago continue after officials release video of police shooting

By Mark GuarinoJuly 16

CHICAGO — Tensions escalated in a Chicago neighborhood Monday, a day after the police department released a video showing officers skirmishing with a black man and then shooting him in the street on Saturday.

A rally late Monday on the spot where the shooting took place attracted about 200 people who chanted in unison. Some onlookers argued in the middle of the street about whether the police had a good reason to shoot. Two police helicopters hovered overhead. Suddenly, a middle-aged man darted up to police officers watching the scene.

“Human beings don’t behave like that!” he screamed at them. An elderly woman from the corner joined in. “You’re hurting people!” she yelled.

“It’s gotten worse since Saturday,” said Kay Thomas, 16, who was carrying groceries home from the corner Walgreen’s. “I never saw my neighborhood this upset.”

To many black and Latino residents on the city’s South and West sides, the Saturday afternoon shooting of Harith Augustus, a barber in the South Shore neighborhood, is unquestionably linked to the 2014 police shooting of Laquan McDonald, an unarmed 17-year-old. The aftermath of that shooting resulted in an incriminating report by the U.S. Department of Justice into practices by the police department, the electoral ouster of State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez, the firing of Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy, and fresh vulnerability for Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who is in the midst of a reelection bid for a third term in February 2019.

Turning up the heat this summer is the pending trial of Jason Van Dyke, the Chicago police officer charged with first-degree murder for shooting McDonald 16 times as he backed slowly away. A police dashboard-camera video in that case was released more than a year after Emanuel narrowly won a second term. Van Dyke’s attorney is trying to move the trial from Chicago because he argues that the officer cannot get a fair trial here.

Many here think the outcome of that trial will be a watershed moment.

“Nobody is taking [violence] seriously. The police aren’t. The alderman isn’t. The mayor don’t give a damn. The community is the only ones taking it seriously,” said Janet, 58, a neighborhood resident who did not want her last name used.

Unlike in the McDonald case, Chicago police released the Augustus tape to the public the next day. It shows two officers approaching Augustus as he stands on a sidewalk calmly talking with another officer. One of the officers grabs his wrist from behind, which causes him to spin around and run. A gun is seen as his shirt flies up, and he is shot as he runs off. There is no audio, and the circumstances related to the shooting are unknown. Police say the officer was placed on desk duty for 30 days; the shooting is under investigation by the Civilian Office of Police Accountability (COPA).

Activists in groups such as Black Lives Matter and the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression say that is not enough. At the march late Monday, as protesters marched to the barbershop where Augustus worked, activists called for the officer’s name to be released and for the officer’s firing. They also want an all-elected civilian council to replace COPA and have oversight on all matters related to police misconduct. Most of the appointees on COPA, which was created after the McDonald shooting, were named by Emanuel.

Some on Monday said they recognize that the police have a difficult job. But they questioned the decision to shoot to kill and said they want more video with audio released to give a full picture. Bill, 50, who did not want his last name used, said he watched the video and was troubled that the confrontation escalated. “It should have been handled differently,” he said. “I just hope that what comes out of this is something good.”

Since the release of the McDonald video in November 2015, rallies and marches have almost become a way of life in Chicago. Protesters have performed die-ins at City Hall, shut down Christmas shopping along Michigan Avenue, and regularly march in the Loop. The weekend before the Augustus shooting, 3,000 people marched down the Dan Ryan Expressway to protest gun violence.

All of those protests have been nonviolent. But on Saturday night, a five-hour march ended in baton-wielding police officers chasing and striking protesters, some of whom threw rocks and glass bottles in their direction.

Emanuel has not made a public statement about Saturday’s shooting and the street violence that followed.

Emanuel has become a focus of critics who say that his priorities are wrong when it comes to investment in the city, favoring downtown and North Side development over neighborhoods that need jobs and infrastructure. His opponents have been particularly critical of a $95 million police and fire academy Emanuel pushed through for City Council approval in May.

Most of Emanuel’s leading challengers released statements Monday suggesting that they understand the public dismay with police accountability and the need for change. Former federal prosecutor Lori Lightfoot, once an Emanuel appointee to lead the police board, said the police violence toward protesters Saturday night demands an investigation.

“The images I saw from a variety of sources raise serious questions about supervision, use of force and equipment, as well as tactics deployed,” she said.

Another challenger, Troy LaRaviere, a former Chicago Public Schools principal, questioned whether the shooting was justified and why the video lacked audio.

“Our system of policing has been found to unjustly target African American communities for everything from issuing parking tickets, to setting up DUI checkpoints, to the unconstitutional use of force,” he wrote on Facebook. “It is of great concern to know this same disparate system is being used to stop African American men who — like many white Chicagoans — arm themselves for protection.”

However, McCarthy, the former Chicago police superintendent fired by Emanuel after the release of the McDonald video, wrote on Twitter that the shooting “appears to be justified.” He also suggested that Augustus fled from officers because there remains a lingering lack of trust between the community and the police.

“Incidents like this underscore the need for a new mayor who can bring us together, promote understanding, and open dialogue,” he said.

Yet almost as a reminder that the violence problem is urgent, two women were shot by random bullets fired from a car one block north of the rally 45 minutes before it started. Both victims were taken to nearby hospitals.

Former Texas police officer found guilty of murder in death of teenager Jordan Edwards


By BILL HUTCHINSON Aug 28, 2018, 6:25 PM ET

A former Texas police officer was found guilty of murder on Tuesday in the 2017 killing of an unarmed African-American teenager who was shot as he and his friends started to drive away from a house party in a car.


A Dallas County jury convicted Roy Oliver, who is white and a former officer for the Balch Springs Police Department, of murdering Jordan Edwards when he fired multiple times into a car full of teens and struck the 15-year-old in the head.


Fired Balch Springs police officer Roy Oliver, testifies to the jury with defense attorney Jim Lane during the sixth day of his trial at the Frank Crowley Courts Building in Dallas, Aug. 23, 2018.


The jury announced its verdict just before 3 p.m. local time, after deliberating 13 hours over two days.

As Dallas County District Court Judge Brandon Birmingham read the verdict, Oliver, 38, wearing a gray suit and standing between his two defense attorneys, showed no emotion.


After the jury filed out of the courtroom, relatives and friends of Jordan hugged each other. Some, including Jordan's mother, Charmaine Edwards, broke into tears.

Odell Edwards, Jordan's father, sprung up from his seat in the front row of the courtroom and hugged Assistant District Attorney Mike Snipes.


Fifteen-year-old Jordan Edwards was shot and killed April 29, 2017 by former Balch Springs police officer Roy Oliver in Texas.


"I'm very, very happy," Odell Edwards told reporters. "It's been a long time, a hard year."


The jury found Oliver not guilty of aggravated assault for firing with a rifle into the car of teenagers.

Jordan was shot to death on April 29, 2017, when officers responded to a late-night house party in Balch Springs, a suburb southeast of Dallas.


During the trial, Officer Tyler Gross, Oliver's partner that night, testified that when he and Oliver arrived at the scene he spotted a car full of people outside the house apparently attempting to drive away.

Gross testified that as he ran toward the car he ordered the driver to stop.


Parker County Jail

The booking photo of Roy Oliver, a former Texas police officer who turned himself into authorities on May 5, 2017, just hours after a warrant for his arrest was issued in connection with the shooting death of a 15-year-old boy.more +


Oliver testified during the trial that he thought Gross was in danger of being run over and fired an AK-15 rifle five times at the car, hitting Jordan who was in the front passenger seat. He also testified that before the shooting, he was inside the house and that he believed he heard gunfire erupt outside.


"I had to make a decision," Oliver told jurors. "This car is about to hit my partner. I had no other option."

Oliver initially told his superiors that the car was backup up toward Gross when he opened fire. But police later said police body camera and dash-cam footage showed the car was moving forward and away from the officers when Oliver shot at the vehicle.

Three days after the shooting, Balch Springs Police Chief Jonathan Haber announced that Oliver, who joined the police force in 2011, had been fired.


During his closing argument, Snipes described Oliver as reckless and out of control.

"This guy is an angry, out-of-control walking bomb, a time bomb that went off on April 29, 2017," Snipes told the jury.


Balch Springs Police Department Facebook

Roy Oliver appears in this photo from the Balch Springs Police Department Facebook page, April 1, 2015.


He played the jurors the police dash-cam footage and freeze-framed it to show Jordan, wearing a light blue top, in the front seat of the car just before he was shot.

"He didn't know it, but he's got about 10 seconds to live," Snipes told the jury.

Snipes said Jordan, a star football player at Mesquite High School in Balch Springs, had a bright future that was cut short by Oliver.


"He really had a million friends, [he] really had a 3.5 grade point average, he really did want to go to [the University of] Alabama to play football," Snipes told the jury. "He did not deserve to die that night."p

Offset - FAN (Official Music Video)

Offset - FAN (Official Music Video)

Watch the official video for Offset ‘s “FAN” Stream // Download Offset ‘s “FAN” here: Follow Offset Everywhere: Facebook: TikTok: Instagram: Twitter: Lyrics: Intro: Girl you tried to break my heart, did it make you happy? (did it make you happy) You were supposed to hold me down, but it didn’t happen (you were supposed to hold me down) Now I’m over it, thank god I'm over it (thank god) Tired of stressing about what I can't control, I think I'm better on my own (hey!) I kicked all the fuck n**gas out my circle They don't know how that shit feel, that really hurt you (phew) But im nonchalant, they never gonna know Word to my mama, she ain't never raised no hoe (word to my mama) My heart ain't racing, it's barely beating slow If they want smoke, if I see them it’s a go (smoke) Its Fuck that n**ga, fuck that bitch (fuck em) Fuck everybody, cause you know they gon switch (hey!) Bridge: Fuck them n**gas and them bitches, everybody (hey) Fuck them n**gas and them bitches, everybody (hey) Fuck them n**gas and them bitches, everybody (woo) Fuck them n**gas and them bitches Verse 1: Baby we just fucking, this is not no love at first sight I can't take you serious, I fucked you on the first night Had that thing squirting, pussy popping like a perc right? Said I broke your heart and hurt your feelings, it ain't work right? Hey! Hook: Fuck them n**gas and them bitches, everybody (fuck them) Fuck them n**gas and them bitches, everybody (everybody) Fuck them n**gas and them bitches, everybody (fuck them) Fuck them n**gas and them bitches, Fuck them n**gas and them bitches (lets roll) Verse 2: Girl fuck that n**ga, he ain’t about shit (nothing) You can be my engineer shorty, how you bounce it (bounce it) Promise if you suck it baby, I can make your mouth rich (promise) Put pearls on your neck, I bet I make it match your outfit (match, woo) Keep it low, don't you announce it Quick to cut you off, n**ga I ain't with the nonsense (nah) Fuck getting it out the mud, Bitch I had to move a mountain (mud) Diamonds on my neck, that shit pure water like a fountain (pure water) Yeah, I'm taking your bitch, I take her for ransom (ransom) She lying, she telling me it that it ain't even my money, she say that I'm handsome (cap) She hop in the whip, she throwing that ass, she throwing that shit like a tantrum (throw it) I'm pulling her hair, she don't even care, she want me to bust like a handgun (let's go) I turn her to my favorite stripper (stripper), cause I’m that n**ga (n**ga) My watch worth 6 figures (figures), my bank bigger (bigger) She want me fuck the best friend and (friend and) the big sister (sister) I bend her up we playing twister (twister), and then I kick her (outtie) Out the crib when I’m finished (woo), go figure (woo) I just popped an e-pizzle (E), my blunt lit up (hey) I had way to much sizzurp (sizzurp), in my liver (woo) I keep me 2 freaky bitches (freaky), they both scissor (woo woo woo) Hook: Fuck them n**gas and them bitches, everybody (fuck them n**gas) Fuck them n**gas and them bitches, everybody (fuck them bitches) Fuck them n**gas and them bitches, everybody (everybody) Fuck them n**gas and them bitches (hey!) Music video by Offset performing FAN. Motown Records; © 2023 UMG Recordings, Inc.
Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know (feat. Kimbra) [Official Music Video]

Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know (feat. Kimbra) [Official Music Video]

The official music video for “Somebody That I Used To Know” by Gotye, featuring Kimbra. From the album Making Mirrors. Get the song here: Music video by Natasha Pincus Official Gotye Store: Follow Gotye online: Subscribe to Gotye on YouTube: Video credits: Directed, produced and edited by Natasha Pincus Body art by Emma Hack Cinematographer and colourist: Warwick Field Scenic artist: Howard Clark Key grip: Rob Hansford Assistants: Rose Cidoni, Claire Leighton, Rob Murray Original artwork by Frank De Backer Music credits: Produced by Wally De Backer Mixed by Francois Tetaz, assisted by Wally at Moose Mastering, Richmond, VIC Bass recorded by Wally in Lucas Taranto's loungeroom, Melbourne, VIC All other sounds put together by Wally in The Barn, Merricks, VIC Bass guitar: Lucas Taranto Lead and backing vocals: Kimbra Guitar, flutes, percussion and synth samples, lead and backing vocals: Wally Contains a sample of the recording Seville as performed by Luiz Bonfa. Courtesy of Geffen Records, under license from Universal Music Enterprises. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Written by Luiz Bonfa and published by Sasqua Music. Used by permission. LYRICS Now and then I think of when we were together Like when you said you felt so happy you could die Told myself that you were right for me But felt so lonely in your company But that was love and it's an ache I still remember You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness Like resignation to the end Always the end So when we found that we could not make sense Well you said that we would still be friends But I'll admit that I was glad that it was over But you didn't have to cut me off Make out like it never happened And that we were nothing And I don't even need your love But you treat me like a stranger And that feels so rough You didn't have to stoop so low Have your friends collect your records And then change your number I guess that I don't need that though Now you're just somebody that I used to know Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over But had me believing it was always something that I'd done And I don't wanna live that way Reading into every word you say You said that you could let it go And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know... But you didn't have to cut me off Make out like it never happened And that we were nothing And I don't even need your love But you treat me like a stranger And that feels so rough You didn't have to stoop so low Have your friends collect your records And then change your number I guess that I don't need that though Now you're just somebody that I used to know I used to know That I used to know Somebody... *************
George Michael, Aretha Franklin - I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me) (Official Video)

George Michael, Aretha Franklin - I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me) (Official Video)

George Michael - I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me) (Official Video) Stream and download here: Subscribe to the George Michael YouTube channel: WATCH CARELESS WHISPER MUSIC VIDEO ► WATCH FREEDOM! '90 MUSIC VIDEO ► WATCH FASTLOVE MUSIC VIDEO ► WATCH LAST CHRISTMAS MUSIC VIDEO ► WATCH AS MUSIC VIDEO ► Follow George Michael: Tik Tok - Instagram – X - Facebook - Official website - #GeorgeMichael #IKnewYouWereWaiting #GeorgeMichaelIKnewYouWereWaiting #IKnewYouWereWaitingLive #GeorgeMichaelOfficial #Wham #GeorgeMichaelOfficialVideo #GeorgeMichaelLive #GeorgeMichaelSongs #GeorgeMichaelEssentials #Faith #LastChristmas #CarelessWhisper Lyrics Like a warrior that fights And wins the battle I know the taste of victory Though I went through some nights Consumed by shadows I was crippled emotionally Somehow I made it through the heartache Yes I did. I escaped. I found my way out of the darkness I kept my faith (I know you did), kept my faith When the river was deep I didn't falter When the mountain was high I still believed When the valley was low it didn't stop me, no no I knew you were waiting. I knew you were waiting for me With an endless desire I kept on searching Sure in time our eyes would meet Like the bridge is on fire The hurt is over, One touch and you set me free No, I don't regret a single moment, No, I don't (I know you don't) looking back When I think of all those disappointments I just laugh (I know you do), I just laugh When the river was deep I didn't falter When the mountain was high I still believed When the valley was low it didn't stop me I knew you were waiting. I knew you were waiting for me So we were drawn together through destiny (oh, boy) I know this love we shared was meant to be I knew you were waiting, Knew you were waiting I knew you were waiting, Knew you were waiting for me I didn't falter I still believed When the valley was low it didn't stop me I knew you were waiting. I knew you were waiting for me I didn't falter When the mountain was high I still believed When the valley was low it didn't stop me I knew you were waiting. I knew you were waiting for me
George Michael - Careless Whisper (Official Video)

George Michael - Careless Whisper (Official Video)

George Michael - Careless Whisper (Official Video) Pre-order the Careless Whisper EP here: Stream and download here: Subscribe to the George Michael YouTube channel: WATCH FREEDOM! '90 MUSIC VIDEO ► WATCH FASTLOVE MUSIC VIDEO ► WATCH LAST CHRISTMAS MUSIC VIDEO ► WATCH AS MUSIC VIDEO ► Follow George Michael: Tik Tok - Instagram – X - Facebook - Official website - #GeorgeMichael #CarelessWhisper #GeorgeMichaelOfficial #Wham #GeorgeMichaelOfficialVideo #GeorgeMichaelLive #GeorgeMichaelEssentials #TikTok #Faith #LastChristmas #GeorgeMichaelCarelessWhisper #CarelessWhisperTikTok #GeorgeMichaelTikTok Lyrics I feel so unsure As I take your hand And lead you to the dance floor As the music dies Something in your eyes Calls to mind a silver screen And all its sad goodbyes I'm never gonna dance again Guilty feet have got no rhythm Though it's easy to pretend I know you're not a fool I should've known better than to cheat a friend And waste the chance that I've been given So I'm never gonna dance again The way I danced with you Time can never mend The careless whispers of a good friend To the heart and mind Ignorance is kind There's no comfort in the truth Pain is all you'll find I'm never gonna dance again Guilty feet have got no rhythm Though it's easy to pretend I know you're not a fool I should've known better than to cheat a friend And waste the chance that I've been given So I'm never gonna dance again The way I danced with you Tonight the music seems so loud I wish that we could lose this crowd Maybe it's better this way We'd hurt each other with the things we want to say We could have been so good together We could have lived this dance forever But now who's gonna dance with me Please stay I'm never gonna dance again Guilty feet have got no rhythm Though it's easy to pretend I know you're not a fool I should've known better than to cheat a friend And waste the chance that I've been given So I'm never gonna dance again The way I danced with you Now that you're gone Now that you're gone Now that you're gone Was what I did so wrong So wrong that you had to leave me alone?
DJ Cassidy & Shaggy ft. Rayvon - If You Like Pina Coladas | Official Music Video

DJ Cassidy & Shaggy ft. Rayvon - If You Like Pina Coladas | Official Music Video

Stream This Song Now: An all-star collaboration between DJ Cassidy, Shaggy, and Rayvon brings the sunshine this season with “If You Like Pina Coladas.” In their unique interpretation of Rupert Holmes’ 1979 Billboard number one pop classic “Escape (The Pina Colada Song),” renowned deejay, producer, and curator DJ Cassidy, and diamond selling Reggae icon, Shaggy, unite for a feel-good refresher course in summer celebration, destined to be a new standard for years to come. The song and video will be available on all platforms June 30th, from VP Records / Ranch Entertainment / Club Paradise Records. The record is the brainchild of DJ Cassidy who first united with Shaggy and Rayvon in 2022 on his groundbreaking television series, “Pass The Mic,” for a rendition of Shaggy and Rayvon’s 2001 number-one megahit “Angel.” DJ Cassidy and Shaggy have since collaborated with “Pass The Mic Live!” at Austin City Limits for Formula 1 in 2022 and join forces again now to release their new single. The music video pays homage to the 1989 cult comedy film, “Weekend At Bernie’s,” and sees DJ Cassidy take on the hilarious role of “deceased party host” Bernie, originally played by actor Terry Kiser, who makes a special cameo in the video by reuniting with his original co-star, Jonathan Silverman, who also appears. The video was directed by Joe Labisi and filmed on location on Miami Beach in collaboration with Malibu®, the go-to brand for Piña Coladas. Ranch Entertainment x VP Records x Club Paradise Records 🇯🇲 Intro: Party people in the place (DJ Cassidy) DJ Cassidy (Shaggy) We really rocking now, Shag (DJ Cassidy) You know the two bandit dem deh ya eno (Shaggy) It’s a celebration (DJ Cassidy) Rayvon (Shaggy) Shaggy (Shaggy) Verse One (Rayvon): Your man don’t treat you like a lady You’ve been together too long Life’s getting kinda boring And the days seem long So while he lay there sleeping You’re textingme in bed Hey girl (DJ Cassidy) You say you want some excitement You rather me instead Let’s go (DJ Cassidy) Chorus One (Rayvon): If you like pina colada Making love in the rain Skinny dipping in the ocean Pampered and entertained If you like making love at midnight This can be so insane And I’m the man you should look for Come with me and escape Breakdown One (Shaggy): Yeah eno A whe mi ago say to her eno Cah singa you don tell her already eno Especially when she buck pon dem island bwoy eno Weh mi seh to her now Sing on Yo Verse Two (Shaggy): Girl I got di ting fi mek you feel alright Aye (DJ Cassidy) Mr. Luva wrinkleup ya sheets whole night Whoo (DJ Cassidy) Spending time with me is simply paradise Oh (DJ Cassidy) Coconut lover that good island ride, cause Hear mi now darling Just know yuh buck up on ya prince charming Love under the moon till early morning I know your body need some overhauling Chorus Two (Rayvon): If you like pina colada Making love in the rain Skinny dipping in the ocean Pampered and entertained If you like making love at midnight This can be so insane And I’m the man you should look for Come with me and escape Verse Three (Shaggy): Now when tings turn up inadi miggle night Top scorer yuh fi know seh mi dribble tight Love explosion when milaunch dis ya missile right Ina di rain when itbarely a drizzle light Drizzle, drizzle, drizzle,drizzle (Rayvon) She just a full joy, this staycation Gave her a open invitation Late night stroking, conversation Bathtub soaking, sexy occasion Smooth it out (DJ Cassidy) Breakdown Two (Shaggy): A dis ya girl It’s a party in paradise (DJ Cassidy) DJ Cassidy Rayvon Shaggy Watch ya Chorus Three (Rayvon) If you like pina colada Making love in the rain Skinny dipping in the ocean Pampered and entertained If you like making love at midnight This can be so insane And I’m the man you should look for Come with me and escape Chorus Four (Rayvon): One more time (DJ Cassidy) If you like pina colada Let’s toast (DJ Cassidy) Making love in the rain Let’s love (DJ Cassidy) Skinny dippingin the ocean It feels good (DJ Cassidy) Pampered and entertained Take it home (DJ Cassidy) If you like making love at midnight This can be so insane And I’m the man you should look for Come with me and escape Outro So hot, too hot (DJ Cassidy) Caribbean escape (Rayvon) #Shaggy #DJCassidy #Rayvon #Vacation #Summer #Malibu #MalibuRum #WeekendAtBernies

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