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S H O E     P O L I S H

S H O E     P O L I S H

you enslave the black race, tortured human lives;

hung, whipped their backs till wounds open and bleed. chock, punch, kick, beat,and even branded us like cattle, burned us alive; Beaten us wit a stick even cutting off black men's dick's; yeah wicked, yeah wicked man. yeah, run nigga run; let's see how far you get before we put this bullet in the back of your skull. get dem torches out fo dem niggas who ran; they will never again run from us. i will cut his foot off so that po nigga will be walking with a stump. Wicked man, wicked man, just wicked man. Black by popular demand; fighting to be free, fighting not to be abused, fighting not to be abolished singing black slavery freedom songs in the cotton fields; songs that were lifting one another up; songs that were healing; songs that helped us live another day, i say it again, "songs that help us live another day" amen! a song, a song! songs of hope! damn it! hope! got us through it, hope and the belief in god. wicked man wicked, they wear, what? they talk like, what? they walk like, what? they eat, what? they get their hair cut like, what? they listen to music like, what? they bob their heads to that music like, what? and you want to color your skin like, what? then you want to mock us like, what? sayyyyy what? Wicked man, wicked   

wicked man jingle is from Flava Flav (RAP GROUP P.E.)

Poem Written By Le'Andre' Dukes  2/12/2019

Wicked Man Wicked




19th Century Minstrel shows to 2k-19th Black History Month

Honolulu-- An Oahu man recently convicted for his role in a violent 2016 road rage incident delivered a bizarre, racially-charged rant during a sentencing hearing Monday — while wearing blackface, reports CBS Honolulu affiliate KGMB-TV.

Mark Char was found guilty in March of attempted murder and assault following a triple stabbing on the H-1 Freeway nearly three years ago.

Char was accused of stabbing the victims following a road rage confrontation, though he testified during the trial that he acted in self-defense. One of the victims was stabbed five times and taken to a hospital in critical condition following the attack.

Mark Char in blackface during July 1, 2019 sentencing hearing in Hawaii court and without blackface in undated photoKGMB-TV

In it, he called his court-appointed attorney "incompetent" and claimed he was not given a fair trial in Judge Todd Eddins' "kangaroo" court ― but it was Char's appearance, not his words, that first garnered the attention of those involved in the proceedings.

Char was wheeled into the courtroom wearing standard orange inmate fatigues, but his head appeared to have been intentionally darkened. A law enforcement source told KGMB Char is believed to have used a black-colored permanent marker to pull off the offensive look, which dates back to minstrel shows of the early 19th century.

"Now this kangaroo court is trying to give me a life sentence for me trying to protect and defend myself against the attack from three guys ― in essence, treating me like a black man," Char said in his statement.

"So today, I'm going to be a black man," he added.

Char ― who is not black ― drew Judge Eddins' ire for his appearance.

"This continues a pattern of disruptive behavior designed to undermine the administration of justice," the judge said.

Le' Andre' J Dukes

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