
'Tears for Fears'
To bully is to Oppress
To bully is to Torment
To bully is to Intimidate
To bully is to Subjugate
To bully is to Instigate
Most bullies are Tyrants who never walk alone,
but your really cowards and your courage is gone;
Prey on the meek because you are weak!
Why must you tease?
Why must you demean?
Why must you release soo much hate to be seen?
Why must you steal and kill your victims identity?
Is it because when you look in the mirror, you hate what you see?
Why must you abuse verbally, mentally, and physically?
Is it because in your own darkness, you are crying silently?
Why must you force tears?
Is it to overcome your own fears?
BULLY ... #You Steal to Kill
BULLY ... #Get Joy from Pain
BULLY ... #A Trait to Hate
BULLY ... #'Tears for Fears'
Back in the 80's no one said it better:
Shareen Dukes 2/1/19

Let it all out
These are the things I can do without
Come on
I'm talking to you
Come on
In violent times
You shouldn't have to sell your soul
In black and white
They really really ought to know
Those one track minds....
Kiss them goodbye
You shouldn't have to jump for joy
You shouldn't have to shout for joy
Let it all out
These are the things I can do without
Come on
I'm talking to you
Come on
They gave you life
And in return you gave them hell
As cold as ice
I hope we live to tell the tale
I hope we live to tell the tale...
And when you've taken down your guard
If I could change your mind
I'd really love to break your heart
I'd really love to break your heart
My kids have made me a proud mother because they have always protected and took up for those that are smaller than them, who get picked on or who have disabilities. All 5 of them, from our eldest (23) to our youngest (10) have had friends whom they support and can count on them to always be there and care. I am proud of them for their willingness to be encouraging, humble, courageous, peaceful, vocal, active, strong leaders and servants. I will share a few of those selfless acts of kindness and lasting friendship memories beginning with our eldest. Each one of them has a trait that I believe is a gift of the spirit (fruit of my spirit) that I will highlight and believe fulfills me, because they are my essence, through traits that I may lack.
Zhane' (Protector/Self-Control) -23, had many friends; from some with health problems, some who had family problems, some who had no friends, some who were popular; to some who went from being bullies to needing a friend. She had a bestfriend who was smaller than the other kids because she had a hormone deficiency. Zhane' would love to go over to her house and went quad riding with her family. She would also love to come over to our house and hang out with Zhane'. Zhane also hung out with a friend who had a younger sibling with cancer who would love to just come over to hang out or be invited to Zhane' and her siblings birthday parties. Zhane' became friends with other girls who had no friends during middle school. There was a girl, when my daughter was in elementary school, who hit her after being peered by a group of girls. My daughter was shocked because this was a new girl at school. The girl ended up needing a true friend because of abuse problems at home and confided in Zhane'.
My second daughter, Ziyann (Guide/Faith) -21, had many friends as well, some who were smaller than her, some who had family struggles, many who were popular and some who needed a good friend. Ziyann used to hang out with 2 friends, one was a small little girl whom she would give piggyback rides and the other girl was a very strong and happy little girl because she had a baby sibling with down syndrome. Ziyann would go over to her house and play with her baby sister, as well as, have both girls over to our house to just hang out. We shared many birthday celebrations between these 3. Ziyann also had another kid bully her by calling her a racist name. Although she was only in second grade, she responded and felt angered and hurt by this attack. Of course, I went to the school and so did her grandfather (my father) to talk to the principle, who felt my daughter was out of line for her vocal response. As I am protecting her, I realized this was my daughter's first encounter with racism and she sat there being blamed for being the victim of hate speech. Ziyann had another friend who would love to just come over to hang out because she came from a single parent, mother, home. When they had completed elementary together, her friends mother wanted her daughter to go to the same middle school as Ziyann, because she basically felt my daughter was a very close friend to her daughter and a good kid, overall. I was very proud of my daughter but unfortunately, both my daughters went to a middle school on base because both grandparents were military.
My third daughter, Diami (Joy/Gentleness) - 17, also had many friends; from some who had health problems, some who had family problems, many who were popular to some who were bullied and needed a good friend. There was this one little girl I remember who seemed like the total opposite of my daughter who was quiet and soft spoken. This little girl was so hyper and loud, she was funny and would say what's on her mind. She would come over to just hang out with Diami because she had alot of siblings. When Diami was in middles school, she had this girl who was being bullied by other students, walk with her down the street after school to her older sisters high school. They would hang out together in my oldest daughters classroom where she had practice. Diami knew that she loved anime just like her oldest sister and her friends. In high school, Diami hangs out with many different groups of friends, such as her teammates, and because of her extracurricular school activities. She has a close friend who is smaller than her because she has health problems. My daughter really likes to hang out with her at her house and realizes, that although she wants to join her in track, she encouraged her to manage the team instead. Diami also was a good friend to a girl who was having family problems and advised her, as well as, listened with support to help her get through it.
All of my older daughters, while in high school, experienced their classmates commit suicide and the pain and suffering they either dealt with or caused others that would've been there for them if they had just spoke to someone about the issues of home abuse, being bullied or family relationship problems that they couldn't handle on their own.
My eldest son De Andre' (Strength/Patience) - 13, simply amazed me with his social skills. He is very talkative, just like me, and when he was 4, in Kindergarten he knew, not only his teacher's name, but all the administrators and staff at his school, such as the principle, office staff, custodians, cafeteria staff and even the librarians. He shocked us one day when we were at the store and he said hi, Ms. .... and when I asked who that was, he said the librarian. De Andre' was small but he managed to find a friend who was smaller than him to take care of and would try to pick him up. He was always such a ham and got along well with other kids. He hung out with many kids, girls included, who didn't have any other friends. When he was in fifth grade he told his friend and other peers not to tease a disabled little girl. He even left his friends and went to go and play with her. It didn't matter if you were popular, a nerd, or had a disability, De Andre' would be your friend. There have been a few incidents where a kid is being teased and bullied or new to the school and my son will just go and start to hang out with them, introduce them to his friends or just tell his peers to leave them alone.
My youngest son Dre'den (Peace/Perseverance) - 10, has a more quiet spirit but he is a character who is always doing goofy things around his family. He's always dancing and is also a Ham like his older brother. His teachers always felt he was a team builder and never gives up in his learning. Also one of Dre'dens' first friends was smaller than him. Dre'den also has many different friends and can make new friends easily. He is always buying extra icee pops at school to share with other kids that don't have any. Last year when he was in fourth grade, he surprised me when he decided to be a jet ambassador in his school. He had a folder and would go to weekly meetings to learn about peer coaching and argument management skills because about 3 times out of the week he would wear his ambassador shirt and be recess monitor for the Kindergarten - 1st graders. I was so impressed and proud of him to give up his recess to spend time with the younger kids. He always expressed how much fun they were and enjoyed sharing things they did like chase him around, jump on his back or throw the ball at him.
Federal investigators find widespread bullying in Hawaii public schools
By HNN Staff | March 5, 2018 at 7:26 PM HST - Updated August 13 at 11:35 PM
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - Nearly 1 in 3 Hawaii public school students said they've been the victims of bullying or harassment, according to a survey conducted as part of a years-long federal compliance review of the state Education Department's handling of bullying and harassment complaints.
The review found a system — the 10th-largest in the United States — struggling to handle bullying and harassment on campus and failing to take steps to protect victims or follow up. It also found tens of thousands of students were victimized again after reporting an incident of bullying or harassment.
The statewide bullying survey, conducted during the 2014-15 school year, included nearly 70,000 Hawaii students. It found:
Nearly 40 percent of students said incidents of bullying they'd experienced or witnessed made them feel unsafe at school.
The majority of students who reported being bullied at school said that they were harassed based on race, national origin, sex or because of a disability.
More than half of bullying incidents were reported to a teacher or other school employee. Schools took no action to stop the bullying in 15 percent of cases.
And over half of students who said they reported bullying or harassment were victimized again after the initial incident.
The U.S. Education Department Office of Civil Rights completed the exhaustive review in January, and schools Superintendent Christina Kishimoto informed Board of Education members last week of how Hawaii schools plan to address the issues in a broad "resolution agreement" with the federal government.
Under the agreement, the DOE pledged to hire Title IX coordinators to more swiftly address bullying at schools, revise its policies for handling harassment complaints, bolster training, and prominently display its non-discrimination and anti-harassment policy online and in printed handouts.
Kishimoto told Board of Education members that while OCR completed its investigation at the beginning of the year, the final conclusions of the review don't "take into account the significant progress that the HIDOE has made in improving its processes and revising its procedures since the compliance review began."
On Monday, Kishimoto told Hawaii News Now that DOE has already hired 11 new compliance officers since January and is looking to fill another four positions. She also said training is underway in schools to encourage students to come forward if they're being harassed.
[READ: Hawaii's resolution agreement with the U.S. Department of Education]
[READ: Hawaii's schools superintendent letter to Board of Education on federal review]
The U.S. DOE launched its review of Hawaii schools in 2011.
And as part of the study, investigators combed over discipline records for 197 incidents of student harassment at 29 schools from 2014 to 2016.
One key area of concern was the dearth of reports made on bullying incidents. The survey found that at least 1,284 harassment incidents happened across the 29 schools in the 2014-15 school year, but just 113 reports were made.
Investigators said the discipline records included incidents of inappropriate sexual language and touching, racial slurs and violence (fighting provoked by the use of racial slurs), and disability-related harassment.
And in most cases, investigators said, the records included no details on whether anything was done to protect victims or whether any follow-up was done to make sure the bullying had stopped.
The OCR reviews comes on the heels of a separate U.S. Education Department audit into sexual harassment complaints at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. That review found the university's flagship campus did not fully comply with federal law when dealing with student reports of sexual harassment and sexual assault.