REGISTERED # 56-2471225
Our Mission
Nfaith Under 1 Nation means to Wake Up, Rise Up to live, work, and unite under 1 Nation worldwide...
To rebuke hatred; Fight for your rights; Fight for injustice; Fight Corruption and always resist capitalism worldwide. Lift up the shunned and the underprivileged. We shall Rise up and Step Out Nfaith as 1 Nation.

Since we started our political and social injustice crusade, we have created change and enlightenment of civil, racial, legal injustices and discrimination of the Trump Era that has affected the world... We plan to continue to promote and pass on this movement to our family and future generations.
We haven't received one donation since beginning this website, but we are spiritually moved in our pursuit to do God's work to inspire hope and change and it has become our passion. We are hoping to receive donations because we are in need of computers, technical software, and online platforms to expand the designs and graphics of our awareness site. We would like to spread the movements mission through public speaking events at colleges and conferences worldwide.
Support the movement
F-O-R-W-A-R-D Nfaith!
P.O. BOX 700045 KAPOLEI HI 96709
In The 80s, I Was A B-Boy- Break Dancer, Artist My Parent's Brought Me My First Dj Equipment At The Age Fifteen
# S O C I A L J U S T I C E NOW!!!
B e l i e v e N f a i t h
My grandmother was a community lady. She had seven children whom she raised as a single parent. They grew up in the projects of Battle Creek Michigan, a very tough low income community. The main sports in that area were boxing and street basketball. My grandma was a cook for the VA. I lived with her during the times that my mother Gloria, also a single parent, worked many hours at Kellogg's. My mother owned her home in the suburbs, at a young age, due to her hard work ethics. I spent more time in the projects because I stayed with my grandma. Because my father wasn't around my 3 uncles became my male role models. This community is where I got scars, stitches, and street sense and If I fell down, I had to pick myself up. I can recall street fights, police patrols of our neighborhood and I remember a community center that served sack lunches with an apple and peanut butter or bologna sandwich. My grandma had brothers and she would handle and ration out their money, as well as, other people in the community so they wouldn't spend it all. Everybody worked in my family, they all had jobs but some had bad habits like alcohol and gambling. My grandma would cook soul food for different people in the community. She was known for her cooking and her giving. She took me in with no hesitation and she has taken in a few other grandchildren. She even took in a pigeon, named Buddy, that had lost his eye and took care of him for 20 years. So I guess this is where I got my humble beginnings that evolved into my humanitarian involvement and works in my communities. I met my wife in 1990 and we were high school sweethearts. She quickly recognized how much of a giver I was and while working as a security guard while in high school, I gave her little gold trinkets, etc. She came to notice that when I seen a displaced person I would always hand them money or food. I recall while working in Honolulu as a store agent across the street from IHS, a homeless shelter, that on some paydays, I would take $50 in ones from my paycheck, walk to the front entrance where some of the men gathered and I would pull out of my pocket the bills, toss it in the air and quickly walk away so they didn't know who I was. that continued through my employment with that store. My wife and I attended Wahiawa Christian Church with our first two daughters, the Pastor John Lee Parish (my father-in-law) and member Lilia Carr started an outreach. They would purchase and put together toiletry and sock bags to pass out to the homeless, as well as, served chili and rice near the same homeless shelter. I could appreciate and relate to this ministry because it was something that I would always do but I never knew that my father-in-law was actively involved in Civil Rights and a humanitarian. A Graduate of Standford with Honors who met his wife, Esther Parish, while attaining his Seminary degree at Chapman College. He attended Stanford with his younger brother Don Parish and both were on the football team. Don Parish continued his football career with the NFL and is in the Hall of Fame at Stanford University.
My father had many titles and roles in which I experienced and admired and I will continue to share a bit of his journey that my husband highlighted. I can remember a time that I was kneeling on the edge of the bed crying next to my father who was tearfully praying because I could feel his pain and struggles as a black man. One thing that I can admire about my father was his ability to share his emotions and I could never relate to the concept when I heard a man should not cry because it showed weakness. I seen my father as the total opposite of this because his strength and courage in his activism and humanitarian work proved otherwise. I felt that he could relate to the pain and struggles of others because he had to be able to feel them in order to drive a calling on his life to act and do something about it. That call to action is what made him and his ministry and I absorbed all of that strength but understood the burden that brought him to tears.
Nfaith came from these struggles that my husband and I experienced growing up. We created T-shirts that we wore around town as we promoted empowerment through Nfaith with the slogans of "Step out Nfaith" and "Believe Nfaith" imprinted. We continued to design 15 pieces to include hats and beanies and share our product samples to someone who saw the missions and the movement and spent her entire budget on our clothing line, which came up to about 3,000 units. We came with a whole urban concept that was different from the norm and combined it with our collegiate licensing and shared our samples of the new UH sportswear apparel line which caused the buyer to light up. After the meeting with the buyer, we were energized and felt full in our spirit because all our hard work paid off but then realized another uphill battle was how to get the finances to fulfill this large account. It was a bittersweet moment and we had a deadline but we hit the streets running and knocked on doors for investors and met the challenge to get everything done from overseeing all production and utilize my knowledge in my retail management career. Our apparel line consisted of t-shirts, sweatshirts, polo shirts and sweat shorts in a variety of colors ranging from small - 2Xlarge. We had a variety of niche products to include a t-shirt with the first ever kiss-cut applique that featured Hawaiian print material cut out in the rainbow colors of the UH logo. We had a variety of colored tees with a satin background and a Hawaiian material strip centered in the middle across the chest with a left embroidery of the university name, above the strip. Our company name was embroidered or silk screened on the left arm of all our shirts. We had labels, hang tags, and display signage produced with our company logo. I remember we had a whole production process right in our 2 bedroom apartment living room with only the 2 of us. We had boxes of hangers and apparel and began to tag apparel and accessories with our company, collegiate, and stores sku hang tags and placed collegiate stickers on all apparel and then put hangers on shirts and shorts sorting them by style, size, and color. We then delivered the products along with purchase orders to both the Pearlridge and Ala Moana stores and as we went to approve the display signage and merchandising of our products we were ecstatic at how the presentation of our products took about half of the sportswear department. 70% of our products sold out in 2 of the JCPennys stores island wide. We then adopted the new UH logo and produced the first ever letter man jacket for the University with a kiss-cut embroidered logo on the chest. We had a number of accounts for our collegiate apparel with various sports stores.
The weekend of 911 was when we introduced our new venture of Hawaiian print bean bag chairs at an expo show at the Blaisdell Center and the response was great. Island Comfee Bagz then started production of a variety of prints and sizes and sold out at Craft Fairs islandwide. The both of us renovated and opened a shop in Wahiawa near the Schofield Army Base to market to the military because the beanbags were transitional furniture and would sale the beanbags at the Aloha Stadium swap meet on the weekends. We had a mini tour bus to move our beanbag chairs between events. We closed our shop in Wahiawa because of the damaged roof and opened a temporary location in Aiea. The beanbag chairs had such a niche with the Hawaiian print that it landed us a major account with Sam's Club/ WalMart in 2002 and the buyer was so excited that she wanted the whole line of sizes and styles in our bean bag furniture. Sam's Club's plan was to not only market it to all stores islandwide, but also eventually nationwide after she introduced me to her Regional team. Because the Aiea location was temporary, we took a trip to Maui and introduced our product to the marketing team at the Queen Ka' ahumanu Mall and received a fully executed lease to open our shop in the Mall and a tour of the storefront. Our insurance company, First Insurance, that was handling the claim for our relocation and losses from Wahiawa, didn't react to help us finalize all projects underway to continue doing business, basically insurance bad faith, we couldn't recover after the losses to finalize production and fulfill the lease startup funding.
During the trip to Maui, we visited the first Hawaii Krispy Kreme Doughnut shop near the airport and inquired about fundraising. We set up and coordinated shipping options to have doughnuts flown over to Oahu for our non-profit organization, Ray of Hope, and opened up the opportunity to enable other fundraisers island wide to use Krispy Kreme. Our non-profit organization was to help the homeless and provide necessities for disadvantaged families with children such as diapers, toiletries, etc. and to offer monetary assistance for bills and we would have the radio station advertise our cause and the grocery store where our fundraising would be. We would also drop off boxes of doughnuts to the Women's and Children's homeless shelter. Ray of Hope was inspired to honor my cousin, Raymond Alan Melley, who was killed as a pedestrian in a hit and run by a drunk driver on May 8, 2002. An investigation was limited and justice was never served for his death. This created a call to action, and an activist movement to create a deeper outreach to the homeless who are invisible, shunned, despised and discriminated against.
My father-in-law invested $500 to start So Soo Clean Auto Salon and he knew the mission was to help men on the street and to put them to work and teach them a trade. Neither he nor I realized the impact of how successful it would be. Men will work hard for what they believe in and who they believe in. You give them respect and treat them with respect, their bond becomes their word to work hard and learn. I had to lead by example; be a boss but at the same time be a brother. We ate together, we laughed together and sometimes we argued with one another. Some of these men were lost; "I Once was lost but now I'm found". Many were in love with alcohol and some had a different addiction but they knew they would have to come to work sober and I would always explain to them that they didn't need that substance because they could commit to 8-9 hours during work without it. There were some days I would share a beer and poke ( raw fish) with them after battling a busy full day of work. There were so many customers that would be kind and bring soda or pizza for the guys because they knew these men were working their way back into the system, but at the same time appreciated their hard work ethic and dedication to quality work. It fed my soul because I was helping the same type of man that my father was. He had an addiction but he always worked. I was dealing with the same individuals as my biological father who struggled with life's trials and tribulations. Many people didn't understand why I connected with some of these guys but we enjoyed each others company. Sometimes I would have to talk with their family, mother, and wives. I was being fed as I started to gain knowledge about these men and be apart of their lives. My mission was to understand the type of man that my father was and help me understand why he didn't step up to be a better father. They were sometimes fighting demons and I had to motivate them to clear their mind and advise them that it was going to be okay and we had to get through work today. By noontime, they were content and at ease to just enjoy working together. Some men some individuals just can't be responsible and you become too connected to the street and lose control because the streets become their family and who they trust. I made sure I didn't shelter my sons away from these men at my shop. They needed to understand what these men and life were about. I wanted my sons to be versatile with what the world can do to people and not judge them and be afraid of the impact life had on these men. As the story goes, Jesus was a carpenter, he was mocked and shunned and they lied upon him but he kept moving FORWARD; even while carrying the cross and the burdens of the sins of the world; unto his death. One of our workers ran into some problems at work and at home and I had to terminate him for his actions. It was hard because he was a good worker and a good friend. I found out 2 months later he hung himself after a night of binge drinking in Kakaako beach park. This had a huge impact on the mission FORWARD because we need to continue to fight for those that are afflicted and not let his death be in vain. We were cut short at our new bigger prime location by an accident that caused a debilitating injury. There are many more ways that we would like to continue to move FORWARD with our rehabilitative work and education programs for disadvantaged individuals who are racially and socially discriminated. The fight continues because we are in a day and age where Racism is America's problem.
Stay 'Nfaith' to continue to move FORWARD (Nfaith Under 1 Nation).

Our History
The Trump Depression began in January 2017 that ignited a grassroots movement called Nfaith Under 1 Nation &
F-O-R-W-A-R-D - Free Oppressed; Reunite Worldwide Anti- Racial Discrimination - inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement. Nfaith & Ray of Hope, the originator founded in 2002, is a movement against the social and economic discriminations of disadvantaged families to help with financial support through work training programs and fundraising. Nfaith Under 1 Nation & F-O-R-W-A-R-D is an artistic philosophy based E-Activism multimedia movement against Trumpism, a systematic political ideal of an oppressive order led by the wealthy and followed by white supremacists, to disregard the American ideal of Democracy, Liberation, Equality, Justice, and Indivisible foundations of this Nation. It is a movement against political discrimination, civil and racial discrimination, social discrimination, economic discrimination, police brutality and legal injustices. Stand and Support the cause to Move F-O-R-W-A-R-D to Progress in health care, climate care and immigration care; and maintain America's Welfare by not oppressing America's Democracy.
2012 I was hit as a pedestrian at my shop. At the time, I was on my wife's employee medical plan but she had gotten sick when I got injured. She found out she had pulmonary fibrosis due to the mold and clothing fiber from her job. She was forced to resign for medical and health problems caused by her job, denied workmans comp, and she no longer had medical. As a family, we had to get state medical to take care of our health problems and my injuries. Countless doctors appointments, therapy and psychiatrist, for back and head injuries. I have had to go to the ER more than 20 times due to back pain and traumatic brain injury induced hormonal imbalance ailments. We found out that the island doesn't have specialty doctors, specific endocrinologists to diagnose and properly treat hormonal imbalances caused by the pituitary tumor. The MRI companies that scanned my brain was inconsistent with each others findings. So my search had continued to find a specialist for the brain with the help of my neurologist Dr. Micheal Russo, a diamond in the rough, who diagnosed all the TBI medical issues and was knowledgeable in diagnosing the cause of the hormonal imbalances and treating my low testosterone, i take testosterone shots once every two weeks for the rest of my life. but endo was not his specialty. At the time, I was able to take advantage of his DEEG testing (only some east coast doctors utilize) that was able to diagnose all of the brain injuries to include the pituitary tumor, caused by the accident, without the realization that there is no neuroendocrinologist on the island. While my wife still was continuing treatment and follow up care for her health issues; she had to became a caregiver and administer testosterone shots every 10 days, mother 5 children, and forced to be an attorney after terminating our crooked attorney. Our application was turned into the Hawaii State Bar Association to bring attention to his firm actions. The State Bar could not find any negligence. Don't get me wrong, I feel blessed to have the benefits of the state of Hawaii medical care program for disadvantaged individuals that take care of my doctors visits and treatments. I believe this is what Obama wanted when he spread the Aloha medical concept across the nation with his Obamacare. To decrease medical injustice for economically disadvantaged families. My underlying medical problem still exists and has yet to be treated by a proper specialist. Even our forensic neurophsycologist stated in 2015 that we would need a medical team to diagnose and treat my TBI injuries. In June 2016, we received a call from the HMSA medical coordinators, which is the insurance that provides our state medical, have a personal meeting at their office. They basically noted the number of excessive ER visits and realized that our medical needs and treatment were not being met locally. She stated the things that our care plan can do and she noted that the specific specialist doesn't exist on the island and that we would have to seek care with a mainland specialist. We were unaware that HMSA could send my wife and I to the mainland to seek care with all expenses taken care of. I understood and felt that I would finally have some consolation and would not have to continue to go to the ER to be sent home with no answers to my medical problems. After discussing our options, my wife and I decided to take the necessary steps to follow up with what HMSA needed us to do to go to the mainland for care. We had to borrow money from my mother-in-law because health problems become more urgent with the idea that expenses would eventually be reimbursed and these doctors could use our medical plan. We had to front out of pocket expenses for these doctors appointments but was delayed and even canceled some scheduled appointments because HMSA could not coordinated the proper referrals to secure utilizing our covered Hawaii plan. I was hospitalized within 2 days of being in Arizona due to severe dehydration caused by some of the same symptoms I had been admitted for in Hawaii's ER, but we were turned away and released due to our insurance that had not been processed for follow-up neurology and endocrinology care. We were fortunate to be with my parents who lived in Arizona and helped us. We however, had to utilize rental cars and hotel stays that were closer to some of the doctors offices. We never recovered any of our expenses from our insured after contacting them numerous times and we still needed to fund our own litigation case costs through October, all the way to court.
We have financially been struggling from the onset of this accident with both of us unemployed for health reasons since the beginning of 2013. We are still fighting insurance companies and the legal system for our rights but still have yet to have a resolution for my unknown health problems, due to financial problems and an unjust legal system, but everyday becomes more emergent for health care and treatment. When there are no answers for your medical condition and it all has to do with finances to survive or get better; there is a medical insurance corporation that has not honored all the bills and expenses, all of this is hard to accomplish when you're at a disadvantage due to medical discrimination. I challenge them to do better; when they commit and share medical treatment options and they don't follow through with their claims. Whatever the processes are, and the doctors you need to receive referrals from, it should be your duty not the patients, to gather everything, utilizing the team you have, to process and take care of this patients well being. Last local hospitalization, this past Christmas, troponin levels were elevated from a heart attack and the heart test revealed that it was caused by anxiety and hormonal imbalances from the brain injury. This is similar to the symptoms while hospitalized in Arizona, in which, the heart test was canceled due to medical insurance. Once you bring something like this to the public's attention, you now have to watch your family even more, their is a envoy that follows us around everyday. Our window had a hole on the right side of the home, that was carved out like a circle near the head of our couch storage units broken into on to different occasions. Twice in one year, we were rear ended by two different vehicles. Even down to the medication I pick up, I have to pray for it, because there is always that chance, money can buy anything;
even death. If there is a fatal incident it won't be investigated; we are walking by faith.
Please feel free to voice your
"Wake Up Rise Up" concerns in the
Message section above.
Your feedback is necessary so we can address your individual concerns.
Your news is Honest News
because its coming from the heart.
Your responses can be a
public testimony or kept private.
We can also guide you to local resources, and out of state pastors
and licensed counselors.
Stay "Nfaith" and lets Move FORWARD!