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I2:00 Am





I2:00 Am

Mom if you get this letter, I am sorry!  I know you told me that I could only stay out till 12:00 on a school night.  I did do my homework and I did clean the dishes, so please Mom, don't be mad at me.  Could you leave the screen door unlocked, leave the TV on until I get home so no one will break in thinking your home alone?  Mom, I know you work hard down at St. John's Hospital.  Mom, I know you have seen people shot up and half dead.  Don't worry about me Mom, my friends ain't banging in the streets; most of us are athletes.  Mom, that's the reason why I am hanging out late tonight because I had gotten a call from Mississippi State.  They offered us a full ride scholarship and that's why the boys and I am out tonight to celebrate.  I am going to put the food up tonight cause you said you were making collard greens and cornbread.  Mom, I love you and I am going to be quiet so I don't wake you and make you get out of bed.  Thank you Mom.


Yo son DeeDre,


P.S. I will be home no later than I2:00 Am midnight.


("Mom you were not at home, did you get my letter?")


"Son, you did not make it home; I am at St. John's Hospital with you..." 


I prayed to God that you would be protected;  Why him Lord.. Why him?  I go to church every Sunday, I serve as an usher, I sing in the choir;  I'm faithful to you, Lord.  I don't ask for much.  Did I not Pray hard enough?  Did I not give enough?  Did I not Love hard enough?  Please don't take my baby Lord; Take me instead.. 

I am He and He is me; my very essence, the very air I breath, my passion, my love, my joy, my peace, my patience, my kindness, my goodness, my gentleness, my strength, my hope.. The Fruit of my Spirit was complete by the Fruit of my Flesh..


"Son, I will forever Love you!"                                                   "I2:00 Am a Spirit"


Le' Andr'e Dukes 9/28/2018

Shareen M Dukes 9/28/2018

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Le' Andre' J Dukes

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